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04/05/13 11:15 AM

#16496 RE: millertimemnm #16495

Thank you Sir for Your service to our country! and I'm dating a French model I found on the internet, don't believe everything you hear on the Internet.
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04/05/13 11:17 AM

#16498 RE: millertimemnm #16495

I guess you would have had to been here to see the conversation that night ...then you would understand that that post was cynical..there were threats posted that night...gotta keep up with what's going on man!
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04/05/13 11:19 AM

#16499 RE: millertimemnm #16495

well said, and good DD, LOL..
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04/05/13 1:06 PM

#16515 RE: millertimemnm #16495

That is what I like to see Sgt. Miller! Been biting my tongue after that was posted the other night. Hope you all are doing good out there! Stay safe. CDFT is going to do great things.
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04/06/13 12:20 AM

#16623 RE: millertimemnm #16495

Sgt. Miller, sir!...I was not belittling the $6 grand..I know that is a hell of a lot of cash. I have never thanked you personally for your service to our country and my freedom, so I want to do that now. We may have gotten off on the wrong foot awhile back when you attacked my chart calls...because they were not what you wanted to see happen, but they did. Let me make this clear. I do not know Mr Sharp, have never shorted any stock, much less a penny stock which can only be done thru some offshore account, I think...I really do not know. I have played/traded this stock since Nov. 2012. I've made many calls on the chart.for a reason...and have made a lot of money. The reason I made these calls was for my personal future reference. If anyone else looked
at them...good for them, or not. When I first started trading stocks in the late 90's,I lost my ass quick, because I didn't understand the concept of long vs. short. I though to be a "long" meant I had to hold the stock for more than a year. Boy, was I on a stock is really just investors/traders who are seeking to gain on upward momentum of the stock, but not for a whole year. (of course, there are long term investing strategies and options, but pennies ain't where that's at, imo)Do shorts have to hold for a year too? I rally had a bad understanding of all this. And there was also confusion between an investor vs. trader...what is the difference? All I know is, when I finally figured out how to trade on momentum and reading charts, I guess I became a trader rather than an investor, and I started to make a lot more money. My 1st big trade was on ETOYS when they went .155's...sold at day...but instead of pocketing and running, I went back in and lost almost all of it
Now, as far as your mention of your $6k was meant to be read in comparison to the $200k worth owned by the poster I provided a link to. I 'm not sure you understood that.
The reason I made that reference to food stamps was a cynical joke between me and Cashcow after both being threatened by a new alias, created by an existing poster who resides in the ihub jail right now. Being in the military, you probably know how people react to being threatened. I was also threatened via pm back in Feb. by someone else. I knew I was not going to be here the next morning because I was taking my 80 year old mother to a new ear/nose/throat specialist to get her newly diagnosed goiter checked was a joke between the two of us, so the food stamp appointment sounded better to me. My sense of humor is bad at times I guess, but after being threaten with a lawsuit, it sounded good to me.

Now, as for all the other stuff I post, well, I haven't gotten a straight answer to some of them yet...and making a freaking phone call to the CEO or his mouthpiece just don't cut it the penny stock world...period. I play the chart, do my dd, and share my findings and questions here on the hub. One of my qualms was answered with an 8k announcing the nomination of a BOD member. And that didn't require a phone call from was an obvious mistake...but I was ridiculed for pointing it out...well, sorry, but these mistakes I've seen are very unprofessional and I cannot understand how that can be accepted from a company heading to a higher exchange...I mean, come on, a Mr. Parliament...give me a break!!

If you, or anyone else for that matter, thinks my, or anyone else's posts effect the pps of the stock, you are sadly mistaken. I am not that powerful, don't try to be, and never will be, and I know it!

glty in your trading future, and please come home safely...peace!