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04/05/13 10:46 AM

#388 RE: 218susk #387

John Susko = China Bigot!

I recognize you...and your continual use of the word "junk" when posting about any Chinese company.

You are not welcome here.

He posts under the name of johnsusko73 on Yahoo.

If anyone does not believe me, please see the following link.
Be sure to set your search for more than just the last 3 months...then highlight the word "junk".;_ylt=Ao0rFOk1vnlgxckW_Fb4w77eAohG;_ylu=X3oDMTB1aGFpZ29oBHBvcwM3BHNlYwNNZWRpYU1zZ0JvYXJkc1hIUlVsdA--;_ylg=X3oDMTBhYWM1a2sxBGxhbmcDZW4tVVM-;_ylv=3?&u=johnsusko73&bn=02b5b45c-e743-3c3f-a85e-c4d39b5968c3