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04/05/13 8:30 AM

#194903 RE: Serenity #194897

Yesssssssssss Serenity...I'm sure you remember all the longs arguing with us to the ends of world and back again everytime the subject of reverse split came up!!!

In fact many of those times Eric would be there johny on the spot with 1 of his infamous soothing emails or blogs foolishly playing right into the longs false beliefs that he was soon gonna be buying back shares and would never be reverse splitting!!!

Heck I copied and pasted his official answers on the subject of potential reverse split here several times to support my belief that all longs should ignore every single carrot dangling memo, blog and email from Eric on the subject of reverse split...and instead read EXACTLY what was being clearly stated on the corporate website...and challenged the longs at the time to have their mighty leader Eric change his official reverse split statements on his corporate website which he never did lmao!!!

That's the unfortunate reality in pos-land...looking for the devil in the details and always ignoring the smoke and mirror hype these pos-land CEO's are constantly pitching as they dilute discount shares out the back door!


04/05/13 9:19 AM

#194908 RE: Serenity #194897

Serenity's post # 194897

So the scumbag finally tells the truth! A gold star for him huh!? If I had the time to waste...I'd go back and find the MANY, MANY, MANY emails to moderators, comments in publicly released emails to shareholders and blogs where this pos was ADAMANT that an RS would never happen and his thoughts on companies that do such a thing. When he would slam anyone on a public message board that would suggest such a thing...claiming it was due to their lack of vision and them trying to bring the pps for their own benefit.

His selective memory is working over time again.

Those of us who have followed this scambag over the years have been saying he would try to make it out to be a great thing and his BS begins now.

Good grief. I can only imagine a few longs who will most likely throw up once they read this as they continue to hold on to something. Nothing left to hold on to here.

Should have known by the perfect hair, used car salesman grin and nothing behind those eyes.

How are those "happy" shareholders now?

Truth be told, I don't think you can find any communications where Eric said 'wnbd will never do a r/s PERIOD' there was always a COMMA , for the right reason it may be the thing to do.

Don't get me wrong, I'm unhappy about the negative pps and the slow sales growth, etc. Am I hopeing for a miracle? maybe, but hard work more often than not has a good chance at success, certainly more chance than giving up.

I'm a problem solver, think outside the box, you can put a square co2 filter scrubble in a round hole, 'Apollo 13'

ps, and I also know that repeating this 27 times a day is futile.

Black Beerd

04/05/13 10:01 AM

#194929 RE: Serenity #194897

"So the scumbag finally tells the truth! A gold star for him huh!?"

If this is his idea of being NOBLE ??/ The guy talks out of both sides of his mouth. You would think the gal pal would tell him to put a sock in it.

"When he would slam anyone on a public message board that would suggest such a thing...claiming it was due to their lack of vision and them trying to bring the pps for their own benefit"

This guy has a real pair to call out the nay sayers as the conspirators when he can't even keep track of his own feet which are stuck in his mouth.

This guy should stick to youtube sing-a-longs and demo's and teeth whitening commercials. Not being a CEO.

"How are those "happy" shareholders now?"

VERY HAPPY as was stated.