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04/04/13 6:57 PM

#225 RE: Sryinex #224

Not even just; Wallace resigned on Tuesday and PGRX waited two days to release the news, only after the market closed and again absent any calming language ("not due to any disagreement") or pretext ("to pursue other opportunities"). Sure seems like the industry execs brought in by Avery last summer now are rotating out, just difficult to tell whether they are being shown the door or are jumping ship. It will be interesting to see what happens with Eisler and Marks. Certainly the last-minute cancellation of Apollo's predatory loan-to-own and the concurrent installation of Barber and Dangler suggest that the money has taken control of the company with the intent to immediately maximize the asset as opposed to developing the mine. Problem being that time is not on their side...


04/04/13 8:13 PM

#226 RE: Sryinex #224

I take it as a very good thing. I talked with Brian on two occassions and was less than impressed. Moreover, with Damon Barber in place, all staff not fully on board with his agenda to restructure the relationship with Karlsson and finance the loan, and get the mine into production, will be shown the door quickly. I s like the decisiveness taking place, and taking place quickly. For me this is all very good news. Those not on board with moving the company forward in the direction Barber sets should leave, and when they do the company and the shareholders are better off with their leaving.