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03/23/03 9:16 PM

#492 RE: Sam "Raven" #491

>>>It wasn't immediately clear exactly which chemicals were being produced here

Let us know when you find out. We'll put that does with the rest of the lies and forgeries of your head lying fascist Chimp. Here are the links again in case you missed them:

NEWS: US/UK nuclear evidence a fake

ABC-US/UK 'Proof' That Iraq Sought Uranium Was Fake

NEWS:Chief UN inspector says US/UK documents were forged

So... get a clue. Next time try reading the zionist messages before you post them. A chemical plant is not a chemical weapons plant. Just as clueless and lying as the chimp... So... you still have not answered why if Saddam has chemical and bilogical weapons as the Chimp says, (and if that is the case, knows that they will be found with Bush's fascist criminals in Iraq) IS HE NOT USING THEM?????????? Sounds to me that the Chimp is a big liar (and that has already been proven as I posted many links here showing the lies and fraud and forgery of the Chimp). And now I return you to your head up you ... sand program.