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04/03/13 4:24 PM

#28364 RE: JayEl #28357

Oh I see so we are all frozen then it seems? Btw I have an ameritrade account. They are great accept for the fact that you can not buy alot of the questionable OTC stocks with them. I haven't traded with them but I use their sink or swim platform & then just do my trades with scottrade. Another thing I got sick of was the 1/2% commission on every transaction on top of the 7 bucks. I got it taken off using ameritrade as my leverage. I had all the transfers ready to go through to TD & I canceled it. They do a straight 9.99 a trade now. The level 2 sink or swim pretty good. It's an exe file So you just download it like a regular program instead of java or something. Pretty happy with the set up so far. Anyways I guess we will see when we can start trading