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04/04/13 12:11 AM

#11217 RE: Stockdweller #11212

Yeah, that would not make sense to me at all...

Why? Don't have a ton of shares out there - and a heck of a lot of restricted shares - which means, they'd most likely get screwed....Not a great idea at this point in time...

I can't see where they'd gain a single thing...

But...who is to say...So far we see nothing concrete, so what they really do is anyone's guess....

But, I will say it was nice to actually hear from Cory again.

A reality Show??????? Not for nothing - I can't see people interested in a company that isn't make any money and has no income and turn on the TV and watch them NOT mine. Mining takes $$$$$$ - To date, I have seen nothing about mining except for a PR here and there - nothing coming out of the ground. No equipment that we know of has been ordered, delivered, etc.

Reverse split? Nah...if anything, they'd buy a promo - get the stock moving north - THEN announce a forward split...Then it would go up again...IFFFFF they didn't do something dumb like announce a forward split of 5 for 1...People usually see right thru that..

Last co. that did that, ran the stock up to way over $1 when they announced a 5 for 1 split...Didn't take long to realize (2 seconds) that they were only trying to drive the price up with nothing behind it, since there was no mention of going to NASDAQ or anything. Why? Because there was no substance behind the company...So, as usual, the score ended up Officers Ca-Ching; Stockholders $Zilch!

But I guess it's just a wait and see now...Me? I'd pass on the reality show and do just plain reality and start mining...THENNNNN if ya really start finding gold/minerals, etc....Then talk about a reality show...