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04/03/13 12:08 PM

#200599 RE: SoxFan #200594

Excellent interview...
-Who profits from the NRA recommendations?
-Who pays for the training the NRA recommends?
-Who pays for jobs of those in schools with guns at the ready?
-Who pays for the equipment these "school protectors" need?
-What is the additional insurance cost to school districts for someone to be in their schools with guns at the ready?
-Who pays for the assessments the NRA recommends schools perform?

No wonder the NRA refuses to send anyone out for a serious interview! - Asa Hutchinson, paid consultant for the NRA, tried his best to disown his master, was visibly uncomfortable with Lawrence O'Donnell's questions and like most attorneys, dodged questions he didn't want to answer.

Anyone - ANYONE - who takes the NRA seriously should have their head examined!