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04/03/13 3:00 PM

#39763 RE: Amanita #39761

It does seem that RYLES is feared at CDEX!! So Streetie is trying to discredit him and steal his thunder.

But I think I know why that is. And have said so before but it was too personal. Did not survive the cut.

The pretense that MP ruint the company and the PP holders went and found the savior JB and persuaded him to the rescue is still going strong. MP was a crook, and so are the remaining INONITs especially including the present putative CEO.
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04/03/13 3:01 PM

#39764 RE: Amanita #39761

"Could it be that he knows of the past efforts of CDEX to fool investors?

Could it be that he knows what the insiders did, with fake mock ups, rigged product results, or made up claims of research"

Ah shucks amanita, we all done known that, especially them stupid mock-ups with the CDEx stencils transfered on crooked.

The latest mock-up of the iG4 was no better.

They do have the TABLE OF CONTENT drafted for the 43 page iG4 instruction manual. That's a start.

That's how this scam tries to fool investors, they pretend to have the instruction manual completed before they even have a working prototype.

CDEx is a scam and these crooks need to to be shut down.
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04/03/13 3:45 PM

#39766 RE: Amanita #39761


The reason I keep bringing up ryles, the ex employee of Cdex, into a post, is because I am waiting for someone to tell me how he participated in the arbitration against Mp.

Those dark secrets about Cdex Inc were already shared and noted and sent. It appears some who are ex employees of Cdex, just cannot help but talk and email.

No, ryles WAS NOT the reason there was an arbitration, lol you know that very well.

ryles collected a paycheck for a long time while he watched tv at Cdex. Not one time did he ever go tell one investor that he felt bad about cashing his checks each week, even though he would claim later, that the company and the product(s) that he worked on, while he watched tv were not going to work.

How does one keep cashing paycheck after paycheck, while "knowing" the company he works for is a scam. Exactly what did that make ryles??? Hum?

Remember the Cdex BK? Don't forget that ryles hired a Lawyer to speak for him at the Cdex BK hearing. Wow, that was a joke. The Judge was not the least bit interested in the bogus crap that ryles had to say about Cdex or anyone at Cdex. The Judge did not care about Mp's stuff either.

I hear tell, that ryles's memoirs are in several shareholders hands, typed from his very keyboard, with his IP address, and spilling the beans on Mp and the accounting practices he witnessed. Yet, once again, ryles just kept cashing his checks from Cdex. Hum.

Then Mp quit writing checks, because there was NO money to pay anyone. Cdex was close to BK, and ryles knew it.

And low and be hold, ryles had no paycheck, so when Dr. Poteet decided on arbitration against Mp/Cdex, just how did no paycheck ryles get to participate? Hum?