Hmmm...Gee...maybe because I am interested in buying again at some point?
LOL - you people are sad, really.
Actually, nevermind. I am really Steve Cohen and i am interested in naked shorting. (does that make you feel better?)
Or, would it make you feel better if i originally posted a big lie and said, "today the stock sold off because someone had sold 3,000,000 shares in error when they really meant to buy it. so tomorrow they will have to buy 6,000,000 shares to cover the error and buy their originally planned order."
BTW, Sonny. I owned ARIA when it was in the pennies. I am always interested in ARIA.
Sheesh. I didnt reallize what this board has become. 100% pumping and positive, or else you're a short or something else and you cant ask or post here.
Please dont respond. That way, I wont have to respond to you, and i can stop posting all together here.