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04/02/13 11:05 AM

#200541 RE: DesertDrifter #200539

Well, we are talking Arkansas.


04/02/13 9:43 PM

#200564 RE: DesertDrifter #200539

Tar Sand Crude Spill New Video: Lake is Contaminated

Although local officials rapid response to the pipeline failure in Mayflower, Arkansas may have prevented a much larger disaster, it appears that the Canadian crude did reach Lake Conway.

These are screen caps of a video taken by video journalist Adam Randall as the entire area was surveyed from a helicopter. You can see Randall's raw video here. (The video will not embed.)

The above screen grab captures the view looking back toward I-40 and the subdivision where the spill originated. The oil flowed through the subdivision storm sewer and under I-40 into a wooded cove of Lake Conway.

The below screen grab shows the boom attempting to stop the oil before it flows through the culvert and under the road into the main body of the 6,700 acre Lake Conway.

Arial view of Mayflower, Arkansas Canadian tar sand oill spill
Here is a link to my previous story on the pipeline rupture.

In case you missed it, Chris Hayes lead with this story in his new MSNBC time slot.

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After a hiatus of over 1 1/2 years, Meteor Blades has revived his excellent series. As MB explained, this weekly diary is a "round-up with excerpts and links... of the hard work so many Kossacks put into bringing matters of environmental concern to the community... I'll be starting out with some commentary of my own on an issue related to the environment, a word I take in its broadest meaning."

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