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Militia Man

04/11/13 7:53 PM

#26148 RE: RyNo_23 #26147

Lets get er done.. lol

4-11-13 CNNiReport: TRUE WEALTH OF IRAQI PEOPLE. This iReport will not go into all the details associated with the implementation of Article 58 of the Iraq Constitution but this report will set forth herein that all the conditions have been met for the Iraqi people to be compensated as their constitution so dictates but it is world politics which are holding this process up. So the point of this report is to inform the people of Iraq and the world who have invested money towards the rebuilding of Iraq in buying their currency that the issues of personal gain from world politicians are now the cause for the continued suffering of the Iraqi people and those individuals who have invested time and money to support the rebuilding of Iraq during their restructuring.

The Iraq government has set aside Billions of Iraqi Dinar to compensate its citizens for the hardships incurred of previous governments. The Head of the Kirkuk branch of the Article 140 Implementation Committee says the compensation cheques will be distributed next week. Kakarash Sidiq said, “The compensation cheques were to be distributed when the budget was approved, but due to some problems it was postponed until next week.”

Why is it important we know this? It is important for all of us to know that the Iraqi people are suffering still and will continue to suffer until the politicians around the world finish their personal agendas to further their individual wealth by claiming ownership to Iraqi Dinars through various means from other individuals and governments who have rightful ownership. Furthermore, it is important as United States people to understand that our government owns several Trillions Iraq Dinars. In fact, it has been confirmed through independent third parties conversations with US Congressman that the United States Treasury holds more than three (3) Trillion Iraq Dinars.

The International Monetary Fund as well as world governments announced some time ago that with the release of the new world banking regulations – BASIL III – that world currencies would go through a shift in value. In fact, almost 200 nations have approved this process. This process of revaluation has been approved now for a couple of months and it is in the political positioning of individuals which has held the implementation of this revaluation to take place.

Besides the issue of not allowing the Iraqi people to receive the personal wealth owed to them we should look at the intended purpose of the Trillions of Dinar which the United States government owns. What are these to be used for? As United States citizens whose tax dollars were used to pay for this war it would be more than appropriate that the United States citizens require the use of the conversion of these Iraqi Dinars to pay for the US Debt associated with the Iraqi Wars and the balance of which be returned to the United States citizens who sacrificed their hard earned money to pay for this in the form of a tax dividend.