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03/30/13 9:11 PM

#220238 RE: loanranger #220235

I put JBII in a Bing search and didn't see it in the first 10 pages.

I don't care where it was found or how. The paper is either useful for investors and potential investors, or it is not. I think is useful, and positive for JBII.

We know the paper came from Columbia University. I think a more valid question would be, "did it receive some biased or preferential treatment compared to publication of other papers?" That's the question that is being tossed around with out anyone asking it. Regardless, the paper stands or falls on it's own merits...not anyone's bias relating to the timing of it's discovery, or how it was found.
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03/30/13 9:34 PM

#220249 RE: loanranger #220235

not only is it the 5th result down (was even less prior) but some other links are less than 10 hours old. how perplexing. no I didnt write the thing lol I got it off the internet,or.&bvm=bv.44442042,d.cGE&fp=1ac805a4f797b2c6

(no I don't work for JBI in any way shape or form not directly nor indirectly)