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03/22/03 1:06 PM

#12107 RE: brainlessone #12104

The problem (one problem) with people like Rumsfeld and Bush and others in his administration is that when you lie so easily and so often you don't get believed even when you tell the truth. Or should I say, if you tell the truth.

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03/22/03 2:29 PM

#12122 RE: brainlessone #12104

brainlessone, I do not think anyone here supports Saddam. Many are 100% against what we are doing. Many are 100% for what we are doing. I wish I knew the truth. I wish that I could know the future. I wish that there were no Saddam's or hate. What I feel is that by taking military actions we are ensuring more of the same problems we are trying to solve. Where do we stop? Will we look back 5-10-15 years from now and see another list of horrible mistakes made and problems to be dealt with that have come as a direct result of our actions today? I'll say again that if only half the vast sums spent on our military the last 50 years had been spent helping others live better lives and on alternative energy supplies we would today be facing much less hatred and fear from the worldwide community. What do we gain by killing others? Fear and hate. What if we had schools and hospitals like the Wahabbis? Twice as many? What if instead of building a few major projects which only disrupt local economies of backward countries and the money goes into the pockets of the rich and corrupt leaving the poor to pay the bill when the IMF came calling we instead put a water pump in every village or some other little basic need. We would be loved by folks everywhere. The few nut cases would have no fertile ground in which to spread their diseased ideas.
Do you remember John Manley? Our government hated him and sent the CIA in to foment revolution. They were laughed out of the country on the first attempt. That's what Al-Qaeda would have found if we had done the above in a kindly and respecful manner. But we keep on hitting folks over the head with our big stick. Sooner or later we will find that we may not enjoy the payback.