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03/30/13 8:22 AM

#220147 RE: User336447 #220125

No wonder the hedgies want in.

20 to 30 minutes of *DD* .. done back in May and then July 2010
would have done this hedgie far more *good* than what passed
for their usual version of smoke and mirrors .. but you see Kool
it was never about the *legitimacy* of JBI/P2O .. it was however
all about the $money made via JBII's PPS gyrations .. and let's be clear
that *effort* >> er >> undertaken by x Hedgie/s (imo 2 now) seemingly has
a success rate of oh about 99% .. no wonder >> x hedgie *anticipated*

>>> the usual outcome where JBI/JBII was concerned .. hmmmmm


you and i both *recognize* that ..

potter isn't selling .. potter is buying

old saying >> that which they can't kill off .. they wind up embracing
>> PROs' stall tactics are about to change out *again* .. for the next round ;)

2013 .. P2O WORKS >> proof of concept >> and vindication for JBI investors
to say nothing of JBII's pps being *laddered* up .. :)

next piece of the puzzle gets filled in next Tuesday .. 4.2.13

all jmo