I am not sure where you are coming from,but to answer your questions?
They are buying bulk ingredients for some and shipping direct to manufacturer and have a trace and track now for discounts and freebies which have been obcene.The mentioned dirty dealings with GNC and improved conditions there as well.This will help the COGS
Lets see about the SG&A.
Do you know how much money I have made this past month?
I have had 4 100% ers. ccry,sapx,flpc and just about mslp.
ALL TRue and I also have BBDA at .0033 right now.I have a couple of other stocks I dont post on the boards,but you can look back and see me on the ones above. If you care?:)
I got in mslp in the 6's and have been watching live money the WHOLE time
I wish you continued success as well and nothing but good times P.