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03/27/13 6:14 PM

#219842 RE: the big guy #219841

ROFL! It was supposed to collapse four years ago remember. Sub penny any day now! Stock selling scam!

Well, the SEC went over this company with a fine tooth comb and found doodly squat in fraud. An accounting mistake. And fined us accordingly.

If it was a fake company selling only stock I'm sure they would have discovered that while investigating don't you think?

No. What you have is a company's stock trading exactly where it should be trading in it's life cycle. As we approach profit land, and make no mistake, we're making progress and we will get there, the stock will respond like every stock does with higher levels.

It's taking longer than I wish it was but I'm sorry to inform you that nothing is collapsing.

Well, other that the frivolous ambulance chasing legal attempts to hamstring the company. They do keep collapsing.



03/27/13 7:17 PM

#219844 RE: the big guy #219841

Where is the capital and the ROI analysis

It says it in the NYSE: SAI report:

$6.5 million + "up to $2 million" = $8.5 million for 3 processors. That's that "capital" you falsely claimed is absent from the report.

The EBITDA number IS the ROI aka return on investment that you falsely claim is absent from the above link. The ITDA in EBITDA is Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amoritization. You don't include those in a ROI analysis because that's all part of capital. EDITDA = ROI. Any interest or taxes has to do with the financing outside of that used for comparing to the ROI. Depreciation and amorization are irrelevant because in a ROI analysis the entire capital is expensed up front so there is nothing to depreciate or amoritize. The full "up to" $8.5 million is expensed up front in a ROI analysis. Hence EBITDA is indeed the ROI analysis.

There is no circular argument used by NYSE: SAI (good


03/27/13 8:47 PM

#219859 RE: the big guy #219841

Usually a house of cards collapses rather quickly, no? Sure is taking a LONG time for this so called 'collapse'..LMAO..... apparently 3 years...lolololol......In FACT, JBII is growing by leaps and bounds. Consider the REVENUES from 2012/2011:

Bottom Line: JBII Revenues: 2012/2011 up 342%:

Total Revenues

2012: 985,389
2011: 288,442



03/27/13 9:05 PM

#219869 RE: the big guy #219841

There is a difference between invalid assumptions and unproven estimates.

JBI has estimated that it will be able to produce fuel at $10/bbl. That estimate is based on the assumption multiple processors running at 75% uptime.

So far that assumption of 75% uptime and multiple processors running has yet to be fulfilled. Are they invalid assumptions? Time will tell. So far there is obvious progress on getting multiple processors running, so that assumption clearly is possible to fulfill.

Attaining 75% uptime has less support at this time. Does that make it invalid? Nope. But it has yet to be proven. The Q1 data will shed some light on how much progress is being made towards that goal.