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03/21/03 6:21 PM

#10399 RE: mayu #10398


It's good to see a post that endorces higher education.

Have a good day.
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03/21/03 7:13 PM

#10401 RE: mayu #10398

abe51 and mayu, I wish I could send your posts to as many people as possible, particularly to the Holier than thou, hypocritical ass faces in Hollywood. I bet 99% of these war "protesters" don't know a damn thing about what they are protesting. Be nice if both of these posts could be read aloud at the Oscars aka the Hollywood circle jerk society.
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03/21/03 8:49 PM

#10404 RE: mayu #10398

Just a couple of additions to the Bush's CV. He got went to Harvard for an MBA after being rejected by University of Texas' law school. And, after racking up all those impressive election stats, he went on in 2000 to lose by over half a million votes.

If you are going to post an article, please look into some of the more nuanced and interesting writings of people like David Brooks or Bill Kristol. They make a much better argument in favor of your positions.

Finally, I've always been curious about something. The article mentions: "Because an honest, God-fearing Republican sits in the White House" Why should a leader (or anyone) fear God? Love, Honor and Respect make sense to me. But fearing, I don't get.
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03/22/03 12:53 PM

#10414 RE: mayu #10398

OK folks, the voice of dissent

It's obvious that this board is very right winged and fundamental and the last time I posted here there was a very long debate on my Christianity and patriotism. So, I guess because I don't have a college degree I'm not supposed to say anything against the beginning of World War III and the end of the world as we know it.

The book of revelations speaks of the final days and giant black locus spitting fire from the sky. Is that not what our black hawk helicopters are doing today? Prophesy also speaks of brother rising up against brother, is that not what people now are doing to their own countrymen because some don't believe the way others think they should?

Everybody realizes we must protect our country and support our troops and the necessity to disarm and even remove a maniacal leader. The problem for some comes not in the necessity of the action but the way it was done. President Bush only went to the UN after he made public statements that he was in fact going to war. That was the reason for resolution 1441. Thank god for Colin Powell because if it weren't for him we could now be in an even worse situation today. From the beginning the statements made by President Bush had nothing to do with diplomacy only his and his administrations desire to spin the situation into one that seemed to tie the tragedy of 911 to Iraq. Mind you, even until today, there has not been no proof of any connection between the two. The fact that the United States could not even get 9 countries to agree on the action should tell us something about the way it was done. It wasn't the necessity of disarming Iraq that turned so many in the world against us, it was the way it was done.

Now that we're there and it shouldn't take long remove the Iraqi leadership how about those Iranians? Since we already have out troops in the region shouldn't we just go ahead and remove another of the axis of evil? And then after that, shouldn't we go to another part of the world and remove someone else we don't agree with? We do all this in the name of protecting our country but I suggest what we don't realize is, that by creating war upon others we don't agree with, we are only inspiring them to take action against us. The theory that we should take out the axis of evil will only bring that evil into our homes.

I ask you this one question, are you prepared for Armageddon? If you are right with your God and know him to be your savior then the answer is simple. If you live in fear of someone coming to your home and destroying it along with your family then the answer becomes much more complicated. Because it is fear that drives us to war, how will we ever find peace? Not peace in our world but peace in our souls.

Get right with your god because your fears will manifest into reality.

Blessing to all beings, even those that don't agree

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03/24/03 2:56 AM

#10434 RE: mayu #10398

WoW Mayu, Thanks for that post!