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03/25/13 7:01 PM

#200061 RE: BOREALIS #200060



03/25/13 7:03 PM

#200062 RE: BOREALIS #200060

Crazy Bachmann has lawyered-up - she must expect some fallout from the investigations.


03/28/13 7:19 PM

#200282 RE: BOREALIS #200060

2013 March to Madness Insane 16: #1 Marco Rubio vs. #4 Dick Cheney

Jed Lewison - Thu Mar 28, 2013 at 03:25 PM PDT

It's finally here: the third round of the 2013 Daily Kos Republican March to Madness Tournament, aka The Insane 16. This round features eight epic battles as we crown the craziest Republican of them all. Break out your water bottles because this contest is from the GOP Establishment Region and features #1 seed Marco Rubio against #4 seed Dick Cheney.

Compared with Rubio, Cheney has had an easy tournament, taking out John McCain with 76 percent and Grover Norquist with 59 percent. Rubio, on the other hand, barely beat John Boehner with 52 percent, but he managed a bigger win against Reince Priebus with 58 percent. If this was tournament was purely about the past, Cheney would probably win in a walk, but Republicans are now presenting Marco Rubio as their savior and just about the only policy disagreement he has with Cheney is over marriage equality, which Cheney supports and Rubio opposes. Whatever happens, this should be a tough battle.

Whoever wins this matchup will join the winners #1 Rush Limbaugh vs. #5 Glenn Beck in the Right-wing Media Region, #1 Rick Santorum vs. #4 James Inhofe in the Theocons Region, and #1 Ted Cruz vs. #4 Michele Bachmann in the Teabaggers Region. You'll be able to vote on (and track results of) all the Insane 16 matchups here .. .

As with previous rounds, you're voting for whomever you believe makes for a better poster-child for Republican craziness. That doesn't necessarily need to mean you're voting for the craziest person, because you might also consider their prominence and influence as well as their association with the GOP. It's entirely up to you. Voting on all Insane 16 matchup will continue until Saturday morning, at which point the Crazy 8 will be set. From there, it'll be on to the Freakshow Four.


03/30/13 9:09 AM

#200355 RE: BOREALIS #200060

Glenn Beck: Michele Bachmann Under Investigation Because She's Against Radical Islam

By Nick Wing
Posted: 03/26/2013 7:49 pm EDT | Updated: 03/26/2013 11:55 pm EDT

Glenn Beck suggested Tuesday [ ] that the ethics investigation into the erstwhile presidential campaign [ ] of Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) is retribution for the congresswoman's outspoken crusade against what she has called the threat of radical Islam.

"We have been sold to radical Islam," Beck said matter-of-factly on his Internet show. "It has infiltrated and we have documented it."

Beck continued, claiming that radical Islam is so powerful it affected the nonpartisan Office of Congressional Ethics, which, according to a Daily Beast report [ (the post to which this is a reply)], is questioning former Bachmann staffers regarding "allegations of improper transfer of funds and under-the-table payments actions by Bachmann’s presidential campaign."

"You see what they're doing to Michele Bachmann?" Beck asked. "Michele Bachmann is under all kinds of ethics investigations now. Why do you suppose that is? ... She is uber-clear on what's going on. Uber-clear."

Bachmann drew widespread criticism last year for spearheading a campaign alleging that high-profile aides in President Barack Obama's administration had ties to the Muslim Brotherhood [ ]. Other Republican representatives and conservative pundits, including Beck [ ], backed the discredited claims.

But Beck suggested there were other reasons for a supposed radical Islamic-linked backlash against Bachmann. According to him, she'd demonstrated her clarity on what was "going on" because she'd asked the State Department for answers on why it was sending Somali refugees to her district.

"She hasn't gotten any answers and now she's under investigation," Beck concluded [video of Beck's comments, , from , next below)].
Beck is right about one thing. Many Somalis do live in Minnesota -- more than 32,000 [ ] according to census data. But the State Department's decision to select Minnesota and Bachmann's district as a destination for Somali refugees far predates the controversial congresswoman's entrance into politics.

It began in the early 1990s, when civil war broke out in Somalia, forcing refugees to flee to neighboring countries. Many eventually ended up in the U.S., and the State Department sent them to Minnesota, confident that the region's voluntary agencies, or VOLAGS -- groups that partner with the federal government -- could provide a strong infrastructure for their resettlement.

As Minnesota's WCCO reported [ ] in 2011:

But the Somalis have largely stayed, somewhere around 30,000 of them, partially because of the strength of the non-governmental VOLAGS, and partially because of the strength of governmental programs to help refugees begin a new life ...

After the first wave is assigned here, the second wave of relatives and friends soon followed.

What any of this has to do with the mounting investigations and legal problems Bachmann now faces, only Beck knows.

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