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03/24/13 6:39 PM

#131177 RE: dmbao #131176

Once the SOE completes their due diligence one may be able to learn more about their intentions.

You are making assumptions without full knowledge of the situation.

it works both ways.

None of us know what the SOE's intentions are.

Very true. But we dont really care. They could intend to buy out Microsoft it would not effect us. We know what they Do NOT intend. And that is to agree to a JV in the allotted time.
As of that allotted time they basically do not exist. We can make the assumption that they have not finished their DD but why would that be any different than assuming they have done it and and said no thanks??

I agree as a shareholder it sounds better to say they are not done but how long do the shareholders intend to hold out for "they are not done yet".

They have had since august to do their DD. They have had 900kg of ore for 4 months. Do you really think a huge mining company is not capable of refining a few kilos of ore in 4 months?
They have had PLENTY of time to do their DD. To hold on to the hopes that SOE is the most inept mining company in the world and can not figure out if they want this site in over 6 months of DD is totally illogical.

If there was a line waiting to talk to Scott he would have already given the next in line the exclusive.
Scotts plan didnt work and he is out slinging his product again.

Its time to try a new country I think. He should try India they are going to need steel too.