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03/24/13 1:26 PM

#37722 RE: neophyte184 #37721

It's not a bad thing but lets be frank they have all their eggs in this one basket, they are here because they obviously have no in where the real money is, namely Cali, colorado, WA state. The gamble is that by owning this market and there is no argument they do, they can generate good pub, demonstrate the viability of their model, and gain entry into the aforementioned marketplaces, as well as the newly emergent ones.

Most penny stocks have one shot at glory, some do comeback after a false start. I am saying that from here forward Friedman and MWIP need to demonstarte that this isn't a false start, after all the most recent financial data shows a company absolutely on the ropes allbeit with a great business concept.

Not releasing q4s in a timely fashion, and waiting until the last moment for the 10ks, continually dragging out the divy, and then beating the drum when the blogosphere and the shorters call you out, it can only work for so long.

The A.G. statement is irrelevant to news of ongoing progress it really is, it is simply an exponent by which you multiply your base, timely news and financials, signs of real progress are how you build your base price, all the news has done lately is slow the bleeding. The RSI has been in the sweet spot for weeks now and the stock continues to slide.

I hope the vote in Michigan goes our way this week and thatFridman makes unambiguously clear what the immediate business opportunity is how many patients he has registered, anticipates registering etc. Because at the end of the day as far as I know this company has yet to earn one red cent from MMJ processing, am I right? also since the company provides a cashless solution to mmj and recreational mj transactions, hw much business have they done in that area?

Time for answers not hyperbole and bullshit. The rubber has met the road do we have traction or dont we?

As my old man would say, "did we come here to count cows or to drink milk?"

I understand that patience is in order I am fine with that, but I need transparent information in order to determine the value of what I hold, only a few weeks ago the specuative value was around .10cents, but that value required evidence via financials divvy etc whatever. That evidenc ehas not been supplied, and now the value of the company is approaching half of the fair price that the market determined.

I cant justify hlding this stock after this week unless I see some numbers that support my previous convictions, Freidman's lyrics aside.... boss man you need to put it up or shut it ah so it goes aye!