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11/23/05 8:50 AM

#2300 RE: trosh1 #2299

Funny you should post about DJE I was thinking about it last night and this morning.
DJE has certainly had a lot of promo lately. People are yacking about it all over the net.
I disagree that there is a 50/50 chance of success with the Yazoo gas well. More like 1/100 is my thinking.
Since the first wildcat well was spudded in 1911, Jackson County has seen oil Explorers dig approximately forty dry holes. Optimal onshore exploration targets appear as extremes, i.e. shallow Miocene gas at 2,000-3,000 feet or deep Jurassic carbonates and clastics ranging in depth from 16,000-20,000 feet.
DJE has "rights below the base of the Hosston Formation (Jurassic system)."
20.000' deep wells are not a sure thing Terry. We are talking 3-4 miles deep. I am not an expert on that ,or any other formation, but I would imagine if you get there you are going to encounter some extremely high pressure gas perhaps interlaced with lots of salt water. Tricky stuff, if it wasn't it would have been exploited before now. Pennzoil and Devon didn't do anything with it. Very high risk, makes your leaps look tame.

I am in but not long by any stretch on this one. Should be fun if they can mount a run with all the promo. Hey they are even a Franfurter.

What do you find appealing about their Athabasca property?
With the quantity they have amassed I am assuming it is ungulate pasture of some sort. There is no way they could mount a systematic exploration program on an area that size.



11/23/05 11:47 AM

#2303 RE: trosh1 #2299

I also took a position in DJE this Summer. I noticed it was a new position in a fund that I own, Resolute Growth. Tom Stanley, the manager has provided us with an average return of 32% over the last 10 years. If he thought that a small position in DJE was worth holding, well that was good enough for me to do the same. I am a subscriber to Dines and Casey and haven't seen anything on DJE there.