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03/22/13 10:21 AM

#19 RE: db7 #18

A fairer OTCBB and OTC would be to demote every company to the Grey Sheets when the companies are 3 months late in filing their last Financials. Let the delinquent filers then jump through mega hoops to regain Market Maker representation.....or simply be CURRENT in filing Financials.

There are no excuses for not filing Fins when Fins are the most basic tenet for being a public company.

I agree that it is aggravating when the SEC cherry picks stocks to suspend while ignoring many thousands of other delinquent filers (OTCBB) and delinquent reporters (OTC) to the OTC Markets.

Nail them all if they cannot or will not file.

Shareholders would win in the long run because they would know to EXIT a stock when the 3 month delinquency timeline approaches.