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03/19/13 4:05 PM

#973 RE: lumpym #963

I'm sorry but this is $HIT 2nd day for an APS pump, also I'm still pissed at yesterday's nonsense 125% gain? This at most was a 20% gain, who the hell was able to buy this on Friday?

I'm out, 100k shares, made small $1244 profit because this stock has just pissed me off at how lousy it played out today, mostly I don't understand how it was showing at 100+ gains the other day, I'm on the APS premiumstocks sub. and the earliest I got the notification the stock was at .21

IB screwed my order and I got it executed at .28 for whatever reason, IDIOTS @ IB and there foolish 10 yr old software.

I had stop limit @ .2999 which was triggered during the crash so I'm out all 100k shares.

I will buy back in ONLY after the breakout, needs to hit .32 for me to get back in, if it doesn't than the shroty sharks got to it and nipped it in the bud.