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11/21/05 5:57 PM

#139081 RE: teapeebubbles #139080


11/23/05 12:32 AM

#139314 RE: teapeebubbles #139080

The Sky is Falling - Chicken Little Sees Red
By Alex S. Gabor
Originally written as
What is the color of the sky in a liberal ideologue's world?
By Frank Salvato
web posted March 14, 2005

Rewritten by Alex S. Gabor and edited on November 22, 2005

What a difference 8 months makes. Back then Frank the Tank wrote this article and I was so fecklessly fumed by it I thought I would exercise my 1st amendment right to rip it to shreds and post it far and wide. I also am dumbfounded that Soros would recently buy into Halliburton after spending millions to defeat Bush in the 2004 election and failing.
The tech investments I can understand, and perhaps shorting Google might be a good idea right about now, but to put money into the war machine after spewing across the globe that defeating Bush was his new life’s mission seems to me a total act of political and social betrayal and probably suicide. Is Soros getting senile at his old age? I am completely and utterly dismayed and have lost all respect for what I once was led to believe is the greatest money manager in the world.
“It seems that when one amasses wealth into the millions or billions of dollars their acquaintance with reality becomes less about the actualities and more about ideology. After all, if you are sitting in traffic in the back of a limousine getting a manicure your perception of the traffic is much different from that of your driver's. While the passenger may be able to sympathize with the driver there is absolutely no way of knowing the actualities of what the driver is experiencing. The same can be said about millionaire and billionaire ideologues and their less than intimate knowledge of reality,” so said freaky Frank eight months ago.
In my book, when you are a billionaire, you make your own reality and others stand by watching as you roll out the waves of reverse psychological spectrums of complicated reflexive theories of tiny conundrums of speculative hogwash.
He said, “George Soros, the Hungarian-born billionaire who finds it quite alright to be a capitalist when it's all about amassing a fortune but a socialist where everyone else is concerned, was recently overheard on a Spanish radio station saying that the American policy toward terrorism is "dangerous" and "creating anger and resentment around the world."
Frankly, pun intended, I’d like to know who really heard him say that. I for one heard him speak at a Berkley engagement a couple of years ago and watched him abruptly end his talk when two members of the audience began shouting obscenities at him and denouncing his two faced propaganda agenda and his ties to the Rothschild’s of London. I did hear that Lyndon LaRouche and his minions hate the man with a passion, but I have yet to confirm that.
Perhaps, as Frankie goes on with his tirade, “He made these comments the day the International Conference on Terrorism opened in Madrid, Spain. He went on to say that Spain had a very different response to terrorism, "a healthier response." If by 'different response' he meant running from the battlefield with their tails between their legs and crumbling in the face of terrorist threats, I would agree with him, Spain's response was certainly different. But one could argue how much safer it left its people.”
I would rather argue that the U.S. Military Financial Media Complex was behind 911 as a way to stimulate the global economy, carry on with its historical acts of global imperialism, and that the true instigators of the war are international bankers who have literally made trillions off this most recent war. That’s why the lawyers for the “victims of 911” have filed a 100 trillion suit against virtually every organization and individual connected to the Middle East. The stakes have simply added six more sets of zeros to them.
“Spunky Salvato sayeth further that, “Soros' comments have to leave more than a few clear-thinking people wondering just how in-touch he is with reality. It certainly leaves me wondering whether or not the guy ever reads any newspapers other than the New York Times or watches anything but al Jazeera.” Personally, I doubt the man has time to read anything but his own research notes for his next book, the one he wants to finish before he dies.
“In recent days the buzz around world and in the media – both mainstream-liberal and new-media-balanced – has been that President Bush's "freedom initiative," his policy toward terrorism, seems to be working. Events from Indonesia to Hillah, from Beirut to Bahrain and Cairo, even statements made in Washington DC lend credence to this thinking.”
I’m not sure, but if there was any buzz like that, even eight months ago, it was from a horde of bees traveling in some far off distant galaxy, and certainly Frugal Frank must have had his head buried in the desert sand of Iraq or didn’t see the latest polls indicating that Bush’s foreign policy agenda has the lowest approval rating in the history of pollstering.
He said, “Although you wouldn't have known it if you're not in the habit of reading well into the pages of the mainstream liberal media, over 2,000 people took to the streets of Hillah, Iraq to protest terrorist actions in that town. In the face of terrorist reprisal they marched calling for an end to terrorism, Baathism and Wahabbism. It seems to me they were actually embracing their newly found freedom of speech to voice their outrage at the senseless killing of terrorists. I am hard pressed to understand how that could be construed as angry and resentful.”
Meanwhile the anti war movement in America, Canada and Europe has far surpassed the former record setting turnout of 60’s era hippies who shut down the Vietnam War.
Will the Iraqi Veterans of this war be treated the same way when they finally do come home to roost? A duped chicken that cries the sky is falling is not a coward at heart, but surely those liberals are seeing red as an internationally well connected progressive democratic movement is overtaking both the old failed liberal and far right agenda at every political turn of the voting booth as the 2006 elections loom close to the horizon.
Surely Salvato is sentimentally stating that “In Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim country – and until now a country that looked upon Osama bin Laden as some sort of twisted "Robin Hood" – a new poll demonstrated a significant shift in public opinion toward the US-led War on Terrorism. For the first time a majority of Indonesians support the US-led efforts. Another significant result from the poll shows that their support for Osama bin Laden has dropped from 58 per cent to just 23 per cent.”
Make no mistake about it, Bush’s popularity in the Western Hemisphere has waned by about as much, after all, their families were in bed together in several documented Carlyle Group investments, which is common knowledge among conspiracy factists. Those are the opposite of “theorists” because they have documented their facts, and separated them from the lies and opinions of Op Ed Editors across the global span of mediaspeak. Too bad that new poll has disappeared from the Internet and is as old as the Chicken Little story. So much for the facts behind certain Salvato opinion polls, the only fact remains is that his journalism reeks of havoc in a delusory vacuum of irresponsible reporting.
He rantingly rambles on, “That's about the same percentage as among American college professors. While this turn-around can be attributed to the American relief effort in the aftermath of the tsunami – relief that for the large part came directly from the American people – the results are what they are. Fully 71 per cent of those who were pro-bin Laden are now pro-US with the highest percentage among people under 30 years of age. Taking a step back I am not sure if "angry" or "resentful" defines the sentiments of the Indonesia people.”
Perhaps Hurricane Katrina was in fact the karmic blowback from messing with the natural laws of human evolution, with the US trying to imperialize the globe and grab all the oil before its peak production levels are replaced by hydrogen powered global economy. The fact is that opinions taken by polls are just that, but the fact of the matter is, war is a crime of humanity and will eventually be punished, whether by the people who are opposed to it, or by Mother Nature, by which is meant the unalterable natural laws that make up the woof and warp of this universe.
Salvato pointed out that, “Starved for freedom under the thumb of oppression, thousands of Lebanese have taken to the streets of Beirut protesting against Syrian-dominated rule and demanding democracy. If they are angry or resentful I believe it would be fair to say that they are so toward the totalitarian regime of Syrian President Bashar al Asad and Syrian occupation and not the United States.”
Let me point out to his readers and mine, that on September 24th, 2005, hundreds of thousands of Americans, in cities across the United States, but more of them concentrated in a March on Washington D.C., led by the Rosa Parks of the Peace Movement, Cindy Sheehan, starved for freedom under the thumb of American Imperialist oppression, protested against the war crimes of a Nazi biased administration that has fed its 300 million citizens full of manure and continues to try to make a mushroom field out of its citizenry.
The citizenry knows the Emperors have lost their shorts and are dancing naked into the winds of change, with nary a tail between their legs or a gander looking backward at the untold and underreported violence, devastation and human corruption lying, dying, and crumbled in its wake. Nay, Bush cannot even open doors in China without bumping into them lest he fall of his bicycle or trip down the plank of Air Force One.
He wagers to state, “In Saudi Arabia, people voted for the first time since 1963 when municipal elections were held this past February. And in Egypt, President Hosni Mubarak promised that the next elections for the office of president would be contested elections. I bet it would be hard to find someone in Bahrain or Cairo who was resentful that freedom was on the march.”
Imperialism in the name of freedom is the ruse of the capitalist dictator who would not loan Frankie a penny unless it carried usurious rates of interest, but which surely pays for his writer’s salary and staged public appearances in support of a crumbling republicocracy and a damned demonian dictatorship disguised as democratic freedom.
In fact, as hard as it may be to fathom, Senator Ted Kennedy was heard saying on ABC's 'This Week' that President Bush deserved credit for what seemed to be an awakening of democracy in the Middle East, not an awakening of anger and resentment. ''What's taken place in a number of those countries is enormously constructive," Kennedy said. ''It's a reflection the president has been involved."
Not more than two weeks ago, Kennedy continued the damnation of the President which started as far back as April of 2004 with this quote, “the U.S. military mission in Iraq is ‘Bush's Vietnam.’”
In his original article, Frank was foolishly frank to write that, “Soros went on to say in his interview that, "There are more people wanting to kill Americans than there were before. These people didn't think like that before the Americans arrived and did what they did." I couldn't disagree more.
“While Mr. Soros implies that the policies of the United States created terrorism I believe it was created independently. The preaching of hate to a generation by Islamo-Fascists, radical Islamists and the rest of the zealots of the Middle East, for no other reason but for power and control, has created a generation of those indoctrinated to hate the West, especially the United States. Rhetoric offered up by those of Mr. Soros and his ilk perpetuates the myth of the evil United States when in fact the US has repeatedly demonstrated it stands for freedom over oppression and democracy over totalitarian rule.”
It would seem that Mr. Franco is banko when it comes to understanding the true history of this “great nation”, let me quote Robert Jenson whose article I just read will illustrate the point perfectly. “That the world’s great powers achieved “greatness” through criminal brutality on a grand scale is not news, of course. That those same societies are reluctant to highlight this history of barbarism also is predictable.”
He naively finalizes his commentary with a “Note to Mr. Soros: There aren't any more terrorists because of the actions of the US in the Middle East. But, because of the actions of the US in the Middle East, there will most definitely be more free people.”
Wrong, there are now more terrorists around the world than ever before. There are ten times more suicide bombings than before Bush took office, and the tolls of the casualties of the wars in the Middle East, if the current war is not ended peacefully, will soon exceed those of all the previous wars on this earth combined.
Trust the truth when I predict that the facts will bear out the only weapons of mass destruction floating around the far and middle eastern nations of this planet are those that were built, shipped and deployed by the invisible bankers which always finance both sides of every conflict ever invented by man for whatever their greedy motivated purpose and end they deem fanciful for the future.
Frank Salvato is a political media consultant and managing editor for His pieces are regularly featured in He has appeared on The O'Reilly Factor and numerous radio shows. His pieces have been recognized by the Japan Center for Conflict Prevention and are periodically featured in The Washington Times as well as other national and international publications. He can be contacted at Copyright © 2005 Frank Salvato

Alex S. Gabor is a nobody, sitting in a nowhere land, taking all his time to go nowhere, and making all his nowhere plans for nobody. He’s not even a real nowhere man.