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03/19/13 9:03 AM

#93518 RE: Penny Monster 01 #93512

i watched the interview. but again, someone that could pull the trigger to invest millions (retirement fund, bank, hedge fund, etc) will not be happy to see so much focus around what will always be a stoner holiday. I want that product release now, or when its ready, not to hold it for 4/20

"Last year's party at City Hall was a hazy, reggae-filled evening. This year takes things in a different, more urban direction with music from world-renowned producer DJ Premier, who has shared his is sample-heavy, old-school New York feel with nearly everyone in hip hop" (from the link a couple posts back)

im sure that has big investors so excited.
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03/19/13 9:34 AM

#93531 RE: Penny Monster 01 #93512

I still don't expect anything significant.

Tripp was all excited about the Vape pens, and they launched with a whimper.

Tripp is a PR man first and foremost.. His job is to try to create a sense of enthusiasm around his products.

Anything he says about 'huge' I take with a grain of salt.

For people who think we're getting bought out: its too early for that to be a good thing for us. A company looking to buy us won't be offering .50 or more at current prices. That goodwill (price paid beyond the PPS) is usually fair, but everything is done to keep it at a minimum. If the price skyrockets, the buyer will cancel their offer because they have a very specific financial structure in place and if the price jumps too high, they can't afford the buy-out and just cancel. That's when the price collapses OR the board of directors just say : tough luck, the agreed price is X and the PPS is at X+Y, but you're only getting X and if you don't take it the shares will be devalued to zero.

For those thinking we're going to announce the purchase of a new company, that's not a good idea right now. We bought and then sold Phytosphere in less than a year, we bought Kannalife apparently, but it has no proven track record, only a patent agreement. These deals need time to mature and prove successful for MJNA before they continue expanding. Without that success there will be no revenues to afford the purchase of another company: they'll dilute our shares even more!!!!

This company is seemingly well balanced (need to get out of the wellness center, and hemp network pyramid scheme games entirely). We need CanChew on the market, we need to see Phytosphere produce us profits, we need to see if Kannalife will do anything at all.

All that before we buy another company.

Continued rant, diverging subject:

There are already too many detractors saying the Phytosphere sale is a scam to defraud, and the Kannalife ended up with us paying more money out and its just a shell company run by people with zero pharmaceutical experience.

We need to STOP the 'seemingly' shady deals and focus on operating the companies already under the umbrella. When that proves successful, then take the profits to buy smaller companies: no more dilution!

I'm worried about our leaderships business/deal making capabilities.

I'm not worried about Tripp, but he's just one man with no authority outside of Red Dice. He represents the only legitimate product and revenues, everything else is unverifiable and wide open to attack... And when they structure deals the way they have been, attack is imminent.

Phytosphere was a horrible horrible deal structure. We got shares in a company with no other assets, which priced the shares outstanding near the assumed value of the Phytosphere assets. However, our total compensation, if all in stock, represents about 7M shares out of a total of 190M shares authorized. Cannavest will dilute and our share value will collapse. MJNA is not running Cannavest, no operational control, just shares. A horrible deal, and if you had any business sense you'd understand this. Divesting of the vertical integration opens yourself up to larger costs down the road.... Its okay when you have a supply deal, but what happens when that contract expires, the other company takes you and bends you over.

When will we hear about the direct impact Kannalife will have on the company? They produce nothing, the leadership has no pharmaceutical industry experience. The patent is nice, however extremely specific to the greater MMJ industry (fills a niche market within a niche market).

If 4/20 is going to be huge, I expect some very specific strategic guidance on how the strengths of each portfolio company will synergize into something greater than its parts.