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Was (Bob)

04/25/01 2:40 PM

#873 RE: CobaltBlue #871

That's not all of it. But the majority of it, and quite correct.

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04/25/01 3:05 PM

#874 RE: CobaltBlue #871

CobaltBlue, is there no possibility that your reaction
is a bit too simplistic ?
Last I looked, this is, not some "other
How would you go about a screening and restriction system for
handles/nicknames/screen names/ on this site that would be
equally fair to all who register; if not by assigning I.D.'s
at the time of registration that are available (as in, not in
use when selected). Don't you agree that if a legal or
copyrighted/trade marked name is chosen by a new site member
as an I.D., that it would be easy for anyone who has rights
to that name to provide documentation to back an infringement

On the other hand, how can IHUB admin. award the assignment of
an I.D. (or take an existing I.D. from one member and convey
it to another), when that I.D. is a generic or previously
unprotected name/label/phrase ? If it is "reasonable" to
protect or reassign I.D.'s simply because the same unprotected
and uncopyrighted name is used as a screen name or I.D. by
"someone on another website", why has IHUB not identified and
restricted those names so that they cannot be assigned to
new members of ?
IMO, doing this in advance would be much less arbitrary,
unfair, and absurd than taking a generic or uncopyrighted I.D.
away from an existing member because "someone on another site"
used the same or similar I.D. on the other site.

How should IHUB admin. establish the legitimacy of a claim
for an I.D. that has already been assigned to a member here?
Will it come down to whether a current IHUB admin. employee
has the knowledge from working at "another site" to be able
to accuratley ascertain whether an anonymous poster at the
"other site", is indeed who he says he is ? Is it the business
of IHUB to decide that nicknames on other sites establish a
right to an award of the same nickname on this site; even
though that I.D./nickname has been selected by another IHUB
member, and can no longer reasonably be expected to be

CobaltBlue; shold SI members have some sort of special status
or priveleges here; when or if they get around to becomeing
members here ? If yes; why not extend the same courtesy to
AOL members, Yahoo, and Hotmail members. Even with your
apparent willingness to extend special rights to SI members
who join this site, and the apparent willingness of IHUB admin.
to do the same; why should it end there ? To have a fair or
even rational policy, should not IHUB comb all major message
forums on the internet so that it can anticipate and monitor
member activity here to prevent anyone from assuming an I.D.,
that, although neither copyrighted or exclusively protected
in some other generally recognized way, might be confusingly
similar to an I.D. used by a "well-recognized" poster on
"another website". THIS IS NOT SI. The action taken against
my chosen screen name appears to have occurred solely because
of the work experience of an IHUB admin. official, and not
because of any site policy, or to enforce an established, fair,
or coherent terms of use policy. Is the direction and policy
of this site to become similar enough to SI to include message
boards with identical names and members with the same I.D.'s
as the ones they use on S.I. ? Why would this site even be
needed ? All of this, IMO, is absurd. Actions have been taken
that seem obviously unreasonable. Myopic vision of S.I.
members and former employees now seem intent on replacing
common sense and fairness with a murky cloud of inconsistancy!

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04/25/01 10:13 PM

#881 RE: CobaltBlue #871

It's all One Big Internet, a cohesive unit ... the distance from SI to iHub is about two millimetres, that's how far apart their little boxes are on my toolbar here ... in time, perhaps one second ... and they have remarkably similar effects - the people with honour on one have honour on the other, the ones you never learn anything from on one, you never learn anything from them on the other ... surprise.

I was impersonated once, for devious purposes and on a site on which i don't post ... not a nice feeling, and not something forgiveable, but more importantly not something a site should encourage if it has aspirations of quality ... imho .. cheers

ps - still getting logged out ... perhaps less than before though