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03/17/13 11:23 AM

#37021 RE: oystersnbeer #37015

I think if you spent as much time reading informative information as you did watching it, you would probably have a much more intelligent understanding of the biology and properties of the plant! As with media you have to always read between the lines!(
I'm not saying you don't have a understanding. But there is much much for everyone to learn. And not understanding is the same as not caring in my book. There is way more complexity here than most think!

The cannabinoid complex that was not used to treat his autism, I could of told you that without even watching the video! But after watching the video, this is what I have to say. Go to 2:47 on the clip,

"Autism is not a qualifying medical condition, like cancer or sever pain. Though in Alex's case the seizures are." Those are the reporters words! Thc is not the best compound for mental problems. Though would be helpful for his motor(uncontrollable movements) and other problems. Though again Thc in not harmful to minds of regular caliber. Strong minds aren't as easily affected by bio molecular chemistry. There is over 400 active compounds in the thc plant. And the most medicinal one is CBD(cannabidiol). In the Cannabidiol lies the ability to combat the mind! IMO, there is many years of research still, as in the next 80years think how far this plant will go. I believe it would already be there if it wasn't for the greed of corporations and our nations politicians. But I'm not complaining too much. As I am able to be part of something great, with the exponential growth coming in the just of my young adulthood!

Best of luck to you though! As we are part of something that truly has the power to heal! In my whole life, green(marijuana) has brought nothing but good. Well except for the law enforcement side of things. It's is all about $$$ though unfortunately(that's the American way). At least this time around the greed will bring great change!