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03/16/13 7:19 PM

#77199 RE: benzdealeror2 #77193

okay, mr. self-righteous follow the thread back and see who started with the personal attacks... i generally only respond in kind, with interest. you called people who you project to think as i do "sheeple", which was catchy in the late 90's but it is a derogatory thing and if you don't think that it is, then your self-awareness has left the field without your glove. that is just old white guy code for "anyone that isn't like me".

you use it so often that it just part of your hater mindset.

And what's more, the subject doesn't make me uneasy at all, as you assert. It is that Elizabeth Warren is doing something that i perceive is right by just plain demanding that the banking regulations in place actually get enforced, and laying the groundwork for reform in a methodical fashion.

Whether she is being naive that she can rock the boat, is developing a wider political base, or even, for the cynics here, they "haven't got to her yet", whenever i hear her during hearings, she just stands out like a ball player that is playing two leagues above her colleagues, she is prepared. She chooses her battles well, and has credibility on the subjects she engages in. Try to find a single conservative that can do that.

As to your America is just a location, fuck you, and change your location if you don't like it. You certainly aren't doing anything to try to make it better. Constant criticism doesn't raise the level of conversation on much of anything. You are such a total downer that i hope you didn't raise any children, as children of constant negative criticism often have a hard go of it when they have to adapt to society.