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03/16/13 4:18 AM

#116789 RE: freethemice #116774

Thanks FTM.
Real eye-opener.


03/16/13 6:43 AM

#116791 RE: freethemice #116774

FTM, you have a point. There will certainly be some level of 'string' pulling above her head.

Let's hope she can have more then a few show cases.


03/16/13 7:31 AM

#116792 RE: freethemice #116774

The problem is that they're both too big to fail and too big to prosecute without putting the US and world financial system at risk of a meltdown.

The banks need the size, they say, because they cannot compete in the global market if they are smaller - economies of scale argument. They say larger banks like the Swiss, Japanese, French, British ones would cripple them if they had to compete hobbled by small size because their competition's big size would allow them to compete at smaller profit margins.

It's a real problem, IMO, that leads to another real problem - to big to fail or prosecute banks are incented to take on too much risk, to step over the legal line, because they know they can do so without significant risk of significant legal or financial consequences.

Smaller institutions do not have the low risk advantage that too big to fail institutions enjoy and could be prosecuted into oblivion.

I assume, at worst, Peregrine is dealing with entities that would not put the world markets at risk. Still, the possibilities are legion.


03/16/13 7:40 AM

#116793 RE: freethemice #116774


Thank you !!

Sad reality.....



03/16/13 9:09 AM

#116795 RE: freethemice #116774

Collecting a half million a year for life?? from the banks that were part of the problem with the housing bubble and she was the fox lawyer that the too big to fail banks had protecting them she is hired to really protect them now as she cant even have a say on those former clients? Thank you Mr. Obama...good call


03/16/13 9:49 AM

#116797 RE: freethemice #116774

Thanks for this article,but it is known that the SEC has been useless for years. This is just a continuation of the same OL same OL. The white collar crime and coverup in this country is beyond belief,so sad. The gov. is a private country club,the rest of us are the grounds keepers. Hope PPHM gives me the opportunity for an alternate address.


03/16/13 9:59 AM

#116798 RE: freethemice #116774

FTM thanks for the link! It's on it's way to at least a 100 more people FWIW.........

and no truer words have been spoken, "it is all rigged".......


03/16/13 10:47 AM

#116801 RE: freethemice #116774

We really need PPHM to blast off,I need that alternate address. By the way Mary Jo was appointed by Bill Clinton, do you think he influenced the decision?... All the control stays in the family,it's only going to get worse.