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03/15/13 3:23 PM

#77120 RE: wall_rus #77118

Funny how the book you call a fairy tale predicts such a thing -- at least to those who think it not a fairy tale. Oh, my bad. This makes me a mindless idiot -- one of the 37% -- on Mr. Morford's list -- lol.

In Rev. 13, while it does not specifically say anywhere there is going to be a cashless society in the future, it does say that a "beast" -- who most Biblical prophecy scholars call the "antichrist" -- will be the final world ruler, and when he arrives, he is going to have kind of a "second-in-command" fellow, they call the "False Prophet." He is going to set up a system where everyone in the world is going to have to worship the antichrist and take his mark in order to be able to buy and sell.

With cash being used to any significant degree, this leader would not be able to control the world economy 100%. For there to be an system where no one can buy or sell without that "mark," it would require a cashless society.

Read more fairy tales, and you will know what is coming. Of course, you and I could be dead before then, but what the heck.


03/15/13 4:59 PM

#77126 RE: wall_rus #77118

Too funny...More like slave sheep to the Matrix. Good article.

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