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03/15/13 8:07 AM

#319212 RE: Pastor Phil #319210

ILVCIntelligent Living Corp.
Common Stock OTCQB 0.060.00 (0.00%)at Mar 14, 2013Real-Time Best Bid & Ask0.02 / 0.07(1 x 1)Why is size 1?Contact Info
101 - 618 East Kent Avenue South
Vancouver, BC V5X 0B1

Phone: 604-876-7494

Verify Company Info Business Description
Intelligent Living Corp., utilizing green building practices, specializes in designing, supplying, installing, upgrading and servicing automation and commercial presentation center solutions including:, security, monitoring and access control systems, , lighting and HVAC control, energy use monitoring systems, and distributed audio/video systems. The Company offers both wired and wireless technology using both traditional component and Windows Media Center based systems. ILC has been supplying custom IT solutions since 1994 and automation solutions since 2003. The Company has offices and demonstration suites in Phoenix and Vancouver and ongoing projects in southwest BC and the greater Phoenix area.
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Financial Reporting/Disclosure
Reporting Status U.S. Reporting: SEC Filer
Audited Financials Not Available
CIK 0001073362
Fiscal Year End 5/31
OTC Market Tier OTCQB

Profile Data
SIC - Industry Classification 5020 - Wholesale-Furniture & Home Furnishings
Incorporated In: NV, USA
Year of Inc. 1998
Employees Not Available

Company Officers/Contacts
Michael F. Holloran President, CEO
Murat Erbatur COO

Company Directors
Not Available

Company Notes
•Formerly=Elgrande International, Inc. until 8-07
•, Inc. until 5-05
Service Providers

Not Available
Legal Counsel

Not Available
Investor Relations Firm

Not Available ILVC Security Details
Share Structure
Market Value1 $769,759 a/o Mar 14, 2013
Shares Outstanding 12,807,975 a/o Jan 14, 2013
Float Not Available
Authorized Shares Not Available
Par Value 0.001

Shareholders of Record 1,600 a/o Sep 30, 2011

Corporate Actions Ex. Date Record Date Pay Date

Security Notes
•Capital Change=shs decreased by 1 for 10 split Pay date=08/08/2003.
•Capital Change=shs decreased by 1 for 500 split Pay date=09/29/2008.
•Capital Change=shs decreased by 1 for 150 split. Pay date=01/18/2012.

Short Selling Data
Short Interest 0 (-100%)
Jan 15, 2013
Significant Failures to Deliver No

Transfer Agent(s)
Pacific Stock Transfer Co.


03/15/13 8:49 AM

#319213 RE: Pastor Phil #319210

Compensated Awareness Post View Disclaimer
ILVC First Nations Housing
Unique housing design and construction projects to address the specific needs and requirements of First Nations.