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03/14/13 10:23 AM

#791 RE: big-yank #790

It's coming - it's been talked about for sometime now


03/14/13 2:00 PM

#792 RE: big-yank #790

Big.Yank I was not being facetious:

A MD friend for more than 20 years, who lives in Cali., is a leading consultant on Tele-Med HealthCare Services.
Over the years I have discussed many issues with him and was amazed by his vision in the Medical sector to reduce costs.
Many of these Services are being used today,
MRI readings was one. Video surgery on the battle field another.

There is more going on than meets the eye of Why ESRX and Walgreens had this fall-out and why the U.S. Government's Tricare program has not retuned to Walgreens.
Medical Data with Technology is a powerful tool and it is being used today as never before to control costs, uncover wasteful spend and generate optimal outcomes for the insured patient.

Hell, when my new Computer had a problem, I spent several hours on the 800 number with a man from India.
The problem was solved at a much lower cost to HP and my problem was fixed..

I didn't see the Japanese Rx machine but I'm sure Wag, CVS and RAD
have protested its use in the U.S.
I'm not so sure about the PBM's position to expand distribution.

I also am thinking if China develop's this Technology and with the trade and/borrowing going-on with them, this innovation may come sooner than later..
There is a saying in Macro Economics, You lend us money and we will give you jobs..

I am asking you, could Dollar General or Family Dollar afford
Walgreens Real-estate costs???
Brow Bars and Nail Salons Excluded..