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03/13/13 1:57 PM

#77068 RE: properlynumb #77067

Sorry but it's the conservatives who seem to be driven mad. Especially since a black man got elected and started proposing things they use to support. Conservatives cry the government is spending to much money when they reduced the revenue collected by the government with a tax deduction in the early 2000 that reduced revenue by close to 3 trillion so far. They then started two unpaid for and unnecessary wars that will cost us upwards of three trillion and put that on our tab. They then passed a prescription drug benefit program that has cost us over 60 billion per year and growing. Plus conservatives and their policies of deregulation contributed to the pass the trash of derivatives that ripped close to 12 Trillion of wealth from the American people and also effected the worlds economy. The Conservatives were not in favor of the stimulus that helped reduced the suffering and stopped the bleeding of jobs and also the conservatives have not favored anything that might help jobs grow as they neglect investing in the future and infrastructure saying we can't afford it.

If one just casually looks at how we have rebounded with 36 straight months of job growth all the while shrinking government employment it's amazing. The conservatives bitch and moan about Obama and praise how Raygun and the first Bush did better at coming out of their downturns which were miniscule compared to this one. Of course they ignore that government employment increased under both while under Obama it has shrunk by close to a million. If government employment increased under Obama as they did under Raygun and Bush the first then or debt would be a hell of a lot smaller as well as our deficits as our employment growth would have added another 500K in private sector jobs as well as c lose to 2.4 million of the government roles. Unemployment would be around 5%. Of course conservatives do not want to close tax spending as much of it benefits the wealthy and business. Heck if we could just have the % of corporate taxes paid under Raygun we would be running a surplus. But conservatives have never been about governing only destroying, hating, and fear.

So let's stop this crap about us being mad but conservatives being mad.