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03/11/13 4:28 PM

#52471 RE: Belize Oilwatch #52465

That's 500,000 bbls BO. At even $85 per barrel that's the equivalent of about $42,000,000 in value. Seems high for one well from my experience. In fact, I've known wells that have had 1/10 of that and have been opened for production. Why are you so sure that the government is requiring something of this magnitude? Have you seen any documents they have with Treaty in the form of actual written agreements? (Keep in mind that even routine posted guidelines may be altered in discussions and determined then by separate agreements.) I mean, I hope Treaty hits something like the amount you stated. After all, they have sufficient acreage to drill hundreds of wells. But even just ten at the same value puts them at about $420,000,000 and one hundred puts them at $4,200,000,000. So effectively, if they do have acreage that indicates real production opportunity like you indicate, they could be looking at a hundred wells, perhaps more. Damn, when you look at it like that, just about a $5000 investment today gets you a potential return of about $50,000 if they hit this first Belize well with the numbers you indicate. And if they were to hit a second of equal opportunity, Wow! All I can say again is,.... Get Ready! Holy Cow. Get Ready!