I heard that's. specific to td ameritrade, but that doesn't change the important points here, stocks trades at 2/10 of 1 penny. Investors just look at the facts, joe the ripoff artist Noel paying for paid promos so he can liquidate stock he got through the motor booster sale. If things were so good great profitable roses fantastic the stock would be bought up like crazy, the scam artists would be buying and not selling into every bid. The market dictates the value of the company and today it's worth almost nothing. No buyers just sellers into every .001 move. Please you guys are crazy if you think Ronnie the scam artist and joe the ripoff artist will not continue to dilute the hell out of this stock until their is nothing left. If the 330,000 worth of stock is restricted they will never have a chance to sell because the sec will probably close down the company by then. Ronnie and joe should be in a small cell together so all the honest shareholders can visit them.