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03/10/13 7:17 PM

#77012 RE: DesertDrifter #77011

That is a very interesting point...Paul Wellstone did not even make it that far...

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03/10/13 9:29 PM

#77021 RE: DesertDrifter #77011

Go Lizzy.......
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03/15/13 8:38 PM

#77141 RE: DesertDrifter #77011

Elizabeth Warren takes on the NRA and the GOP

Fri Mar 15, 2013 at 05:00 PM PDT
by Joan McCarter

Sen. Elizabeth Warren isn't approaching her new job with the customary comity and caution you see from a lot of brand-new senators. She's not pulling any punches, even when it comes to her new colleagues from across the aisle. Or the NRA.
Here she is, speaking to the Consumer Federation of America.

Warren hammered Republicans over their vow to block Richard Cordray, Obama’s nominee to lead the CFPB, from being confirmed. [...] Warren, as well as the consumer advocates she was addressing, argues the Republicans are attempting to weaken the watchdog.

“Blocking Rich Cordray is about keeping the game rigged, keeping the game rigged so that consumers remain in the dark—and a few bad actors can rake in big profits,” Warren said. [...]

Warren hammered the NRA, naming the group among the “armies of lobbyists [that] are fighting to rig the system so that the public remains in the dark.” [...]

“If as many people were dying of a mysterious disease as innocent bystanders are dying from firearms, a cure would be our top priority,” Warren said. “But we don’t even have good data on gun violence. Why? Because the NRA and the gun industry lobby made it their goal to prevent any serious effort to document the violence.”

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03/16/13 1:09 PM

#77151 RE: DesertDrifter #77011

The CIA oversees the money laundering....Hammering some shmuck at Treasury looks good but it solves nothing.
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03/16/13 2:39 PM

#77155 RE: DesertDrifter #77011

why does she waste everyone's time? doesn't the idiot know what the "buzz-phrase" to big to fail is code for?