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03/10/13 5:09 PM

#1154 RE: jab91252 #1153

I completely concur.

A chain is a weak as its weakest link - and ever since the Board
of Directors brought in Dr. Wotton as CEO and he brought in people like Jack Howarth and LeRoux Jooste - (and I have always thought very highly of Bob Apple) -

We have no weak links -

And with all of the TANGIBLE assets of ATRS-
Such as IP and Patents, Balance Sheet and Growing Revenue - Partnering Agreements - Launched and Pipeline products - Transitioning to a Specialty Pharma Company (with all of
those accompanying benefits) - -

Management of ATRS is a quite excellent - INTANGIBLE - asset.



03/10/13 9:14 PM

#1156 RE: jab91252 #1153

Jack Howarth NOT a jerk

If anyone has issues with Jack Howarth i suggest they look in the mirror...if they want to identify the root cause.

Jack has never come across as a jerk, arrogant, etc in any of the conversations or email exchanges I've had with him, ever. He is not one of those. Confident, seasoned, and capable, yes. Arrogant, no way.

If you show someone respect you will get it in return. I could see Jack showing little patience for the "yahoo's", as he calls them, and engaging with them accordingly. The "yahoo's" (in my opinion) include retail traders who are uniformed, disrespectful, inept, abusive, those margined (in a bad way), and the unethical. Jack, as part of his job, picks up the phone and takes every call that comes along, and that includes being a "guard dog" for Antares (as needed). Even so, guard dogs don't bite unless provoked. I can only imagine (in a nightmare) what nonsense he has to endure daily from the retail yahoos. I mentioned sympathetically to Jack that to do his job (I.e. deal with the Yahoos) his talents have to include the skin of a elephant, the patience of Job and the wisdom of Solomon. I know that he appreciates the support he gets from the thoughtful on this board, jab, Tappy others...just to name a few.