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03/10/13 2:01 PM

#76963 RE: benzdealeror2 #76962

McCain just flat out does not like Rand Paul...The NDAA is part of it...He is really pissed about the filibuster against the use of drones in the U.S.. Especially where Rand Paul enabled Obama to say No...We will not use drones to kill american citizens in thd U.S. if they are not actively engaged in combat...

But in Particular, McCain hates Rand Paul because he does not want to bomb other countries...Especially Iran...He just will not sing..."Bomb, Bomb, Bomb...Bomb, Bomb Iran"...

Time for McCain to retire to a nice comfy job on FOX news...

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03/10/13 2:06 PM

#76964 RE: benzdealeror2 #76962

I'll ask one more time..

Why does it take a Rethuglican to stand up against Govt Tyranny?

What happened to the party of "Hope and Change"..The party of the Vietnam Protest? The party of "Principal"?

Why do I rail on the Dumbocrats? We all know what the NeoCons are about. Shrub admitted he was a war monger and made no apology...We know where they stand.

The liberal DemonCrats? Hypocritical Statist Murderers...Liars...Two faced, Bold faced liars...Say one thing, do another.

A thief with a gun to your head is at least honest about what he wants..Your wallet..And so go the Rethuglicans and Neocons..

The Demoncrat Statists? They pat your back and tell you it's ok while with the other hand raise the knife and plunge it..

Obomba supporters hated the war crimes Shrub engaged in and now revel in the crimes of Obomba...Exposing them as the lowest of sycophant parasites...Scum..

When will the sheep wake up?