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03/08/13 12:13 PM

#52255 RE: elevenzeez #52254

Why does Stephen T. Newell of Castle Rock, CO believe MacLeod's delusions?

Let's face it, it is well established that MacLeod is morbidly obese. He has fat clogged arteries to his brain that prevent him from understanding that he is doomed in his "short attack" on GOSY.

It is readily apparent that Stephen T. Newell is one of the pack of flea bitten, mangy, feral dogs harassing GOSY and its associates from the facts presented here:

GOSY will continue to prevail over any and all of Newell's ongoing attempts since Stephen T. Newell never wins, just hides, whines and complains like the sick, mangy dog he is.

That has been shown many, many times as is documented here:

Yes, it is true:

Federal laws TRUMP state laws. Stephen T. Newell foolishly believes that Wallace's DE corruption of due legal process cannot be TRUMPED by Federal laws. Yes, Stephen T. Newell lives in the Weird World of Wallace, too.

If I were MacLeod, I would sure NOT be relying at all, in any way, on mangy, flea bitten Stephen T. Newell. Newell must be desperate for money to be such a pawn of MacLeod's to be complicit in Wallace's and MacLeod's illicit activities regarding GOSY.

Wallace has sure hee hawed how much he despises the Spencers' TPO and how his 400+ violations "don't matter." Wallace exploited the lack of Va jurisdiction to preclude the Spencers from getting a Permanent Protection Order.

Don't you agree that Stephen T. Newell is foolish for being in this pack of flea bitten, mangy, feral dogs of Wallace, MacLeod, Aziz, Dalhaus, and Newell harassing GOSY to drive the pps down and deliberately damage 1300+ stockholders?

Isn't that against SEC Regs, BIG TIME?

Especially Rule 144?

Will they ALL be named in the FBI's Criminal RICO investigation for their pattern of illegal stock manipulation of GOSY?

Just askin'



03/08/13 12:16 PM

#52256 RE: elevenzeez #52254

This may concern Wallace and Newell:

GOSY & GA Libel Law

GOSY can file civil lawsuits in GA since that is where GeckoSystems is domiciled and vigorously litigate against those libeling GOSY and/or its employees that may, or may not, live in the state of GA.

iHub, upon presentation of subpoena will provide the unique IP addresses of the named defendants which enables them to be identified and sued in the state of GA, or elsewhere in the world.

The subpoena can be secured after initiation of the lawsuit.

The defendant(s) will need to retain a GA registered attorney to defend themselves from the GA libel lawsuit. If they do not secure representation, GOSY will probably secure a default judgment against that person or persons. GOSY's legal representation will then transfer that judgment to the state of residence of the defendant and be legally empowered to garnishee personal bank accounts, salaries and wages, and/or seize other property and/or assets for satisfaction of the GA judgment.

As you can see, unless one is very sure that they have not "crossed the line" as discussed below, they can lose significant time and monies in defending their freedom of speech rights. Nonetheless, if they fail to spend the monies necessary to defend themselves, they allow GOSY in the state of GA to secure judgments against them executable in their state of residence.

This is GA Law. Read the references below to learn of the validity of the foregoing discussion and their applicability to GOSY.


Libel is a false, malicious statement published in mainstream media (i.e. on the internet, in a magazine, etc.).

Defamation—also called calumny, vilification, traducement, slander (for transitory statements), and libel (for written, broadcast, or otherwise published words)—is the communication of a statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government, or nation a negative image. It is usually a requirement that this claim be false and that the publication is communicated to someone other than the person defamed (the claimant).

Georgia Code - Torts - Title 51, Section 51-1-6

When the law requires a person to perform an act for the benefit of another or to refrain from doing an act which may injure another, although no cause of action is given in express terms, the injured party may recover for the breach of such legal duty if he suffers damage thereby.

Defamation: When Careless Words Can Be Costly

Georgia's tort law of defamation includes claims for libel and slander. A libel is a false and malicious defamation of another, expressed in print, writing, pictures, or signs, tending to injure the reputation of the person and exposing that person to "public hatred, contempt or ridicule." "Malice," as used in the foregoing definition, means ill-will, hatred or charges calculated to injure. This is a lesser standard than that required to show "malice" when constitutional, free speech rights are at issue, the standard to which newspapers are held when discussing public figures. "Malice" in this latter context means knowledge of falsity or reckless disregard of whether a statement is false.

Slander, or oral defamation, occurs when a statement is uttered to a third party which is false and malicious. Some statements are considered so offensive that malice is implied and need not be affirmatively shown. Statements in this category include imputing to another person a crime punishable by law, or making charges against another in reference to that person's trade, office or profession which are likely to injure that person in his or her business. The crime need not be a felony; it is sufficient that a person has been accused of being guilty of a misdemeanor. Statements in the categories discussed in this paragraph do not require proof of actual damages either, contrary to most civil claims for money damages. The reason for this rule is that damage to a claimant's reputation can be presumed when the statement is sufficiently offensive, and also because reputation damages are difficult to prove.

Georgia law treats libel slightly more seriously than it does slander, because a libel involves the deliberate act of expressing defamation in writing, a relatively permanent form. Consequently, certain statements are considered actionable libel without a showing of damages, when the same statements would require proof of damages in a case of spoken defamation. Claims in this category include false statements that a person has engaged in acts of dishonesty or immorality.

The foregoing is a discussion of GA libel law and its specific applicability, protections and benefits to GOSY, its officers, and employees, past and present.


03/08/13 12:18 PM

#52258 RE: elevenzeez #52254

According to my read of the obits, both of the elderly women portrayed here have been dead for over a year. No doubt in their twilight years they were very pleased to assist the Spencers in their CareBot "alpha" trials.

So what do the pictures of these now deceased, beloved elderly family members have to do with GOSY today?

Their willing assistance biased the alpha trials?

I would suggest that their participation improved the quality of the in home trials due to the intimate relationship the Spencers had with these now departed loved ones. Are we all not more motivated to honor and protect our loved ones more than those not well known to us? Isn't that what genuine family values are all about?

GOSY is OBVIOUSLY market driven. Therefore "product development" is NEVER done. Product evaluation and improvement (aka alpha trials) will go on FOREVER. I am very impressed that GOSY is still evolving and improving their product for over 15 years now. GOSY is DEFINITELY market driven! I think GOSY's first benchmark was Arctec's Gemini. That personal robot was very expensive and had insufficient features and benefits to sell well. That is the market research that GOSY has been doing, and will continue to do, FOREVER. Now GOSY's CareBot is sufficient and my read is that they need funds to do manufacturing and marketing rollout. EXCELLENT!

Just like the Wright Brothers used family, friends, and neighbors to build their first manned "flying machines," the Spencers have benefited and employed family, friends, and neighbors for over 15 years to hold development expenses down to a bare minimum. Since the goal in any field testing is to learn what is wrong, BEFORE going into "prime time" sales to endusers, it simply does not matter if family and friends did the first testing. (If anything they are MORE motivated to reveal any warts or shortcomings they find since they wanted the Spencers to succeed!) So all this commotion about biased or unbiased trials is really much ado about nothing. For example, actual clinical trials use placebo's, or medication that does nothing. Now how could any personal robot company have a "placebo?"


03/08/13 12:30 PM

#52260 RE: elevenzeez #52254

YAWN This is very, very old news.