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03/08/13 9:23 AM

#1487 RE: Penny Roger$ #1483

This Co has a lot of great news recently, Strong play here IMHO
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03/11/13 8:10 AM

#1508 RE: Penny Roger$ #1483

Gm Fa$tlane IMMB- Nice news +inf0..Céline_Dion’s_Husband_Reneé Angelil declared Cancer-Free

Friday, March 08, 2013 8:30:30 AM
Re: Abondanceinvest post# 1477
Post # of 1507
$IMMB big news yesterday! This is a sweet one imo..


Thursday, March 07, 2013 5:48:24 AM
Re: ManicTrader post# 428867

Post # of 430715

Gm Manic,IMMB..for your alert!I..have..important.INFO..Céline.Dion

Old info but its real immunotec is huge excellent product

Céline Dion’s Husband Reneé Angelil declared Cancer-Free
Céline Dion + René Angélil+ family + Dion Mother
All Dion famility take immunotec product..

( Me too..I take immunotec product since 10 years for sport is excellent)

mmunocal Immunotec German Blog - Posts Glutathione Video Seminar

Céline Dion’s Husband Reneé Angelil declared Cancer-Free
by admin on Saturday, February 26th, 2011 | 2 Comments

René Angelil [Hus­band of super­star singer Céline Dion] Takes
Immuno­cal by Michelle Coude-Lord
“Le Jour­nal de Mon­treal” on Sun­day, Octo­ber 17, 1999
In his fight against can­cer and with the approval of his doc­tor
in Florida, René Angelil has included Immuno­cal in his daily
menu since last April.
There is no com­mer­cial agree­ment between René Angelil and
Immunotec, but the Dion fam­ily has close ties to doc­tors
work­ing in the field of cys­tic fibro­sis, and they are aware of the
work of Dr. Lands. One evening late last March, Thérèse Dion,
Céline Dion’s mother, met with the rep­re­sen­ta­tives of
Immunotec to dis­cuss can­cer treatment.
“I don’t believe in coin­ci­dences,” Mrs. Dion told us this week.
“It all hap­pened at the time I learned that René had can­cer. I
called Céline to tell her about Immuno­cal. René’s doc­tor, who
had con­tacted Dr. Bounous, saw no rea­son why René couldn’t
take this vit­a­min supplement.”
Dr. Bounous points out that “the dis­cov­ery that whey pro­teins
slow car­cino­gen­e­sis (the process of can­cer for­ma­tion) and
tumour growth itself had already been con­firmed by
researchers in Aus­tralia, the US and Europe. Their tests were
con­ducted on dif­fer­ent species of ani­mals and on dif­fer­ent
types of tumours. The pro­teins encour­age the cel­lu­lar
pro­duc­tion of glu­tathione, an impor­tant antiox­i­dant which acts
to strengthen the cells of the immune sys­tem. We can
pre­sume that, under these con­di­tions, the immune sys­tem is
more effec­tive in com­bat­ing small tumours.
“But this the­ory must be proven sci­en­tif­i­cally,” con­tin­ues Dr.
Bounous. “This is why the work of renowned researchers like
Dr. Lands is nec­es­sary. Stud­ies on Immuno­cal will be
pre­sented next May at an inter­na­tional con­fer­ence in New York
orga­nized by the Mount Sinai Hos­pi­tal. They will deal specif­i­cally
with the manip­u­la­tion of cel­lu­lar glu­tathione in the treat­ment of
can­cer and AIDS.”
The Foun­da­tion
René Angelil has no asso­ci­a­tion with Immunotec, beyond
tak­ing the whey sup­ple­ment. In this, he is like thou­sands of
other peo­ple in the US where Immuno­cal is sold. The Achille
Tan­guay Foun­da­tion, which gives assis­tance to poor and
under­priv­i­leged fam­i­lies and which was founded by Thérèse
Dion, receives a direct con­tri­bu­tion of $10 on each nat­ural
prod­uct sold.
“We want to elim­i­nate poverty, and Immunotec wants to
pre­vent sick­ness,” says Mrs. Dion. “We are happy with this
asso­ci­a­tion sim­ply because we want to help. I would like to
make it clear that our fam­ily derives no other benefit.”
An Excit­ing Med­ical Dis­cov­ery For The Immune Sys­tem Helps
Celine’s Hus­band … Rene Angelil.
QUEBEC–(BW HealthWire)–Nov. 15, 1999–Celine Dion can
now sing forth ‘my heart will go on’ with new mean­ing. Eight
months ago her hus­band Rene Angelil was diag­nosed with
melanoma and that cast a shadow not only over her career,
but over her life. She has sub­se­quently taken a hia­tus from
tour­ing and record­ing, to con­cen­trate on more impor­tant
Now, thanks to some impor­tant break­through research out of
Mon­treal, Canada, it was recently reported in Le Jour­nal de
Mon­treal that Rene has been mak­ing good progress. He has
made use of an impor­tant inno­va­tion dis­cov­ered by the
emi­nent research sci­en­tist Dr. Gus­tavo Bounous.
The Dion fam­ily has close ties to doc­tors work­ing in the field of
cys­tic fibro­sis, and they are aware of the work of respirol­o­gist,
Dr. Larry Lands who is one of the many spe­cial­ists now
pur­su­ing the clin­i­cal appli­ca­tions of Dr. Bounous’ dis­cov­ery. Dr.
Lands says, “In sit­u­a­tions of on-going oxida­tive stress like
COPD and cys­tic fibro­sis, there is an even greater demand for
the antiox­i­dant Glu­tathione (GSH), com­pared to nor­mal
healthy indi­vid­u­als. Noth­ing can be more vital for any­one than
breath­ing, but that can be exhaust­ing for patients with lung
dis­ease. The same oxy­gen that sus­tains life, poses meta­bolic
chal­lenges to human cells that need to mount ade­quate
defense. It appears that increas­ing GSH is the cells’ most
effec­tive response. The deliv­ery of Immuno­cal pro­vides the
only safe, effec­tive and con­ve­nient source of the essen­tial
But that’s not all. So much that goes wrong with the human
body starts with a bro­ken down immune sys­tem. When that
hap­pens we lose the war against com­mon microor­gan­isms,
tox­ins, even can­cer and the like.
Last March, Therese Dion, Celine Dion’s mother, met with
Bounous, Lands and oth­ers to dis­cuss their work and became
fas­ci­nated by the new approaches to health and dis­ease
“I don’t believe in coin­ci­dences,” Mrs. Dion told us this week.
“It all hap­pened at the time that I learned that Rene had
can­cer. I called Celine to tell her about Immuno­cal. Rene’s
doc­tor, who had con­tacted Dr. Bounous him­self, saw no
rea­son why Rene couldn’t take this sup­ple­ment.” It is now
past six months that Rene has been adding Immuno­cal to his
daily reg­i­men, with sur­pris­ing efficacy.
Dr. Bounous points out that “the dis­cov­ery that spe­cific whey
pro­teins slow car­cino­gen­e­sis (the process of can­cer for­ma­tion)
and tumor growth itself have been con­firmed by researchers in
Aus­tralia, the US and Europe. The tests were con­ducted on
dif­fer­ent species of ani­mals and on dif­fer­ent types of tumors.
These remark­able pro­teins which are also found in mother’s
breast milk, encour­age the cel­lu­lar pro­duc­tion of glu­tathione,
which acts to strengthen the cells of the immune sys­tem. We
can pre­sume that under these con­di­tions, the immune sys­tem
is more effec­tive in com­bat­ing rene­gade cells and small
“Pre­lim­i­nary results are encour­ag­ing but this the­ory must be
proven sci­en­tif­i­cally,” con­tin­ues Dr. Bounous. “This is why the
work of renowned researchers like Dr. Lands is necessary.”
Stud­ies on Immuno­cal will be pre­sented next May at an
inter­na­tional con­fer­ence in New York orga­nized by the Mount
Sinai Hos­pi­tal. They will deal specif­i­cally with the manip­u­la­tion
of cel­lu­lar glu­tathione in the treat­ment of can­cer and AIDS.
Céline Dion’s Hus­band Reneé Angelil declared Cancer-Free
Excerpted from an news report by Mar­cus Errico
June 9, 2000
The news ends a year-long dis­heart­en­ing period for the “My
Heart Will Go On” diva. A year ago, she announced she was
semi-retiring from music­dom to con­cen­trate on rais­ing a fam­ily
and spend­ing time with Angelil, who was recov­er­ing from
can­cer. (In her state­ment today, Dion says recent tests have
shown no can­cer in her husband.)
To learn more about Immuno­cal click here
Orig­i­nally posted 2010-11-19 22:09:06. Repub­lished by Blog Post Promoter

Posted in Cancer, Immunocal, Medical News

Friday, March 08, 2013 7:33:03 AM
Re: Fa$tlane post# 1462

Post # of 1507

IMMB old DD..but very important..You son is right mrchipper,
Thursday, March 07, 2013 8:19:36 AM
Re: Abondanceinvest post# 430728
Post # of 433147
My son is a pharmacist and he preaches it to me all the time and also taking D3 if your not doing a dairy product once a day to maintain bone density


Thursday, March 07, 2013 8:00:55 AM
Re: mrchipper post# 430715

Post # of 433134

another gift for your pick,,, I have a nice info hummm

Thursday, March 07, 2013 7:28:16 AM
Re: Abondanceinvest post# 430566
Post # of 430715
Thats a great post my friend , and also a great story


Well, maybe at first glance, the title and the claim may look like a publicity among others. But the facts and testimonies that follow may convince you Immunocal really helps recovery and athletic performance, unless you are a member in good standing of the "Association of inveterate skeptics," or that you are in the school that says that if you feed them well, you can reach the top! Pure hogwash about me, especially with all that adds today seeds and crops and foods! But hey! Everyone's opinion!

In any event, let me tell you. Athletes, many more to strive for excellence and to achieve solutions are also more likely to discover and take advantage of the protein IMMUNOCAL to increase their immunity and performance!

Sisters and great skaters Canadian short track speed Maryse (ex-world champion 1982) and Annie Perreault (triple Olympic medalist, 1992 and 1998) were among the first in the early 2000s, to adopt and IMMUNOCAL derive great benefits.

But since then, so athletes are more likely to add this isolate bioactive non-denatured diet, in short, their lifestyle!

And if I speak to you this week is because the athletes, as they were skeptical initially to supplement, are therefore more likely to look good nutrients that can support their goals.

After the sisters Perreault, several other athletes decided to involve many inherent properties of glutathione, this remarkable antioxidant that Immunocal formula allows the body to produce.

Number, and professional triathlete apliniste the Fillipi Gabriel, who has reached the summit of Everest twice, champion figure skater and Quebec, Marc-André Craig, or hockey player Simon Robidas.

And for two years now, professional soccer club of the MONTREAL IMPACT is to say presqu'unanimes Immunocal helps to perform!

The great revelation of the 2010 IMPACT OF MONTREAL, Ali Gerba said Immunocal is the human essence is that the cars! The captain, Nevio Pizzolitto consuming IMMUNOCAL past two years, said she helps him dramatically!

In short, IMMUNOCAL unquestionably help athletes recover faster, as it helps Mr. and Mrs. tout'l world feel good.

And just this week, I want you to enjoy what others say, especially my friend and former elite player Richard Pierre-Gilles, THE GREAT RESPONSIBILITY because Immunocal is now in IMPACT's locker room and almost consumed by all players of the Montreal. Here is the content of his testimony.


football Impact of Montreal take immunotec..
Also a couple hockey player's of Canadian of Montreal

Interview_with-the_Celine-Dion.familiy)_Rene Angelil with his cancer too .. ((Sorry in French..

Interview with the mother of Celine Dion Rene Angelil with his cancer too .. ((Sorry in French

Me Abondanceinvest i'm an excellent athlete and I take Immunotec since 10 years... Immunotec product is excellent..

Consuming products Health Immunotec Immunocal ® Platinum ® as?
The team »SOCCER» Montreal Impact consumes Immunocal ® Platinum

Montreal Impact
Some key people, including head coach Marc Dos Santos, captain Nevio Pizzolitto and Leonardo Di Lorenzo, are in their third season as users Immunocal Platinum.
As having constant physical condition, the legitimacy of the products they consume and their effectiveness, these leaders are the Montreal Immunocal Platinum, an essential food for protection against viruses and various potential infections. What is more, they are now convinced, and rightly, that Immunocal ® Platinum helps recovery as well as tissue repair after exercise and stress. With Immunocal Platinum, so they are harder, stronger, and recover faster after exercise.
Their experience of recent years shows.
It must be remembered that Immunocal ® Platinum is the only natural product with clinically proven scientic and in connection with the performance (L. Lands, 1999). Approved by Health Canada in this CPS and accepted by the World Anti-Doping Code, it is both credible and safe.
It helps that the players, the organization of the impact, as we Immunotec ®, make every effort to ensure that our team is champion in the best conditions to obtain the best possible results, whether in the NASL during the Nutrilite Cup or the MLS (Major League Soccer) in 2012!
Knowing that the union of reason and passion lives with intensity in its third year, we at Immunotec ®, wish to support the efforts of our favorite soccer team during the 2011 season and beyond, we hope ... Long life alliance Impact Immunotec, a winning combination!

Montreal Canadiens
Team "HOCKEY" Montreal Canadiens consumes Immunocal ® Platinum
Dr. Allen Somersall who wrote the book about and revealing the grand adventure of Dr. Bounous, The Self-Defense of the Cell, incidentally book prefaced by the physician of the Montreal Canadiens, David S. Mulder said and written:
"Immunocal is a major scientific breakthrough for the immune system that could revolutionize the way of practicing medicine"

The discovery of this pioneer gave birth in 1996 to the company Immunotec ®, corporation is headquartered near Montreal (Vaudreuil, Quebec) and was then followed by the development of other dietary supplements and nutritional equally useful than effective health. (See section RANGE IMMUNOTEC)

(Click here for a full description of Immunocal)
Ingredient list (click here for a list of ingredients)
Described in the CPS (Compendium of medicinal products) and in the PDR sorry french link...


Well, maybe at first glance, the title and the claim may look like a publicity among others. But the facts and testimonies that follow may convince you Immunocal really helps recovery and athletic performance, unless you are a member in good standing of the "Association of inveterate skeptics," or that you are in the school that says that if you feed them well, you can reach the top! Pure hogwash about me, especially with all that adds today seeds and crops and foods! But hey! Everyone's opinion!

In any event, let me tell you. Athletes, many more to strive for excellence and to achieve solutions are also more likely to discover and take advantage of the protein IMMUNOCAL to increase their immunity and performance!

Sisters and great skaters Canadian short track speed Maryse (ex-world champion 1982) and Annie Perreault (triple Olympic medalist, 1992 and 1998) were among the first in the early 2000s, to adopt and IMMUNOCAL derive great benefits.

But since then, so athletes are more likely to add this isolate bioactive non-denatured diet, in short, their lifestyle!

And if I speak to you this week is because the athletes, as they were skeptical initially to supplement, are therefore more likely to look good nutrients that can support their goals.

After the sisters Perreault, several other athletes decided to involve many inherent properties of glutathione, this remarkable antioxidant that Immunocal formula allows the body to produce.

Number, and professional triathlete apliniste the Fillipi Gabriel, who has reached the summit of Everest twice, champion figure skater and Quebec, Marc-André Craig, or hockey player Simon Robidas.

And for two years now, professional soccer club of the MONTREAL IMPACT is to say presqu'unanimes Immunocal helps to perform!

The great revelation of the 2010 IMPACT OF MONTREAL, Ali Gerba said Immunocal is the human essence is that the cars! The captain, Nevio Pizzolitto consuming IMMUNOCAL past two years, said she helps him dramatically!

In short, IMMUNOCAL unquestionably help athletes recover faster, as it helps Mr. and Mrs. tout'l world feel good.

And just this week, I want you to enjoy what others say, especially my friend and former elite player Richard Pierre-Gilles, THE GREAT RESPONSIBILITY because Immunocal is now in IMPACT's locker room and almost consumed by all players of the Montreal. Here is the content of his testimony.

!!!!!!!!OLD INFO but IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!