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03/08/13 7:33 AM

#76790 RE: n4807g #76789

Of course you would think we are dealing with him. He does not control or have any influence on what goes on in Iran regards nuclear. God could you conservatives get an dumber?
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03/08/13 2:41 PM

#76811 RE: n4807g #76789

Sometimes it's almost impossible to believe people are this irrational.
.... ... Oh really? We had a president here who paid no attention to intelligence briefs that told him bin laden determined to attack .. he ignored ALL of those briefs .. including the one right before the week they did indeed attack us ... then he lied us into a attacking a country that didn't do anything to us ...flew billions of dollars into it and threw it out and lost it out of a plane ... Plus, he put the cost of that bloody life destroying fiasco on the U.S. credit card ...all that,,,, while giving two tax cuts to the rich ... also, creating a 'new' huge government agency that no one really knows how many people work there, it's the TBTF gov. agency ..Plus he is known as the biggest job destroyer in US history.. only hoover beats him out ..The dollar also took a sustained dive in his eight years .. yep ... that president did all that, then he created a prescription drug bill and guess what? he didn't pay for that either ... ...The us was on it's way to a surplus when he took office ... hahaha! .. and we all know what he did with that! ...and, He also said extremely stupid things and yes, he said them in public ... the world put their hands up to their mouths and looked the other way in embarrassment for him which president do you think is more popular? the one who went to war for oil ? Or Hugo Chavez, the one who gave it away, including giving it to us ? ...Let's see ... He cut Venezuela's poverty rate, here's a chart (NACLA, 10/8/12) [ ] based on World Bank poverty stats–showing the proportion of Venezuelans living on less than $2 a day falling from 35 percent to 13 percent over three years. .. This will be his legacy!

Go to the link above and get more details. His gdp was pretty darn good too ... a solid 2.5 % a year...
Amazing isn't it? ... Just think of what the other oil rich countries have done .. yeah, just think about it ... ..

Burj Dubai

that was taken in 2009, I do not know if it's complete yet or not ... It must be complete .. but my point, Thank YOU very much I'll Take Chavez over Saudi Arabia and the george bush America .. any day anytime al. especially the African oil rich oligarch and russia's .. . yes, there will be problems in Venezuela .. still I'll take those problems over lying your people into a war, not paying for it except in peoples deaths, killing a bunch of your own people and millions of people who lived as the innocent bystanders ..all due to the 'bush/cheney'' .. THIRST for oil ..

You see here's the Deal__AP: Chavez Wasted His Money on Healthcare When He Could Have Built Gigantic Skyscrapers

My headline would be__BUSH Wasted His money on prevaricated wars by Lying to his people that Iraq had WMD's

The fabrication became Public Knowledge and Succeeded in taking the country into new levels of Unpaid Debt. Bush, at that same time, Maneuvered Two Unpaid for Tax Cuts for his Rich Oil & his Big and Rich Global Business Friends which that once Great Country, America, is Still Paying for today.

any day any time. If I bankrupt a country I'll do it by 'really' helping the poor, as Chavez did ... NOT by
helping the ones 'who already had' ... as 'bush' did. and I sure could bring up other instances .. please don't press me ... .;) AND

have a great weekend!