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03/07/13 6:20 PM

#31108 RE: chloebware #31107

First and foremost, a man conscious of his individuality respects the individual rights of any other.

Individualism is the principle that the individual is sovereign in his life and actions. Individualism acknowledges that each person is best able to determine the affairs of his or her life. The free market, with its voluntary cooperation between individuals, acknowledges this fact. Individualists demand that people not be treated as some faceless cog in a machine, that people shouldn't be forced to act like a herd of animals or hive of insects.

Collectivism is the philosophy that the group is more important than the individual. Collectivists believe the rights and desires of the individual must be sacrificed for the good of society. Many collectivists are altruistic in their intentions, believing they know better than individuals what is good for individuals and society. They are unwilling to let individuals determine their own course of action, as they believe individuals might make the wrong choice.

While Individualism and collectivism are often presented as completely opposite methods of living, it is really a matter of emphasis on the means people are given to choose to live by. Individualists see value in voluntary groupings, and many staunch individualists highly value family, civic groups, charity, community, religion, and society. Where individualists and collectivists really part ways is in the use of force to meet their goals. Individualists abhor force as a method of compliance, and realize that the individual is best able to determine what groups he or she wants to associate with. Collectivists approve of force, and view force as mandatory to subjugate the individual to the greater good of the collective.

The state, with its reliance on force and coercion, is the primary instigator and beneficiary of collectivist thinking. The state could not function, getting away with murder and theft, without collectivism. The state realizes this, and has its propaganda machine (the mainstream media) and state indoctrination centers (public schools) portray absolute submission to the government as the norm. Any deviation from absolute obedience to the dictates of the state is viewed as unpatriotic. Those who dare question the policies of the state are labeled traitors, and a threat to society.

Individual Responsibility

Many people, especially freedom lovers, wonder what is the greatest right that people possess. They wonder what is the ultimate right that enables them to enjoy freedom. Many will argue that the right of self-defense is the greatest enabler of freedom. Others will argue for the right of self expression, or some other right. But the greatest enabler of rights and freedom is individual responsibility. Without personal responsibility, rights are meaningless.