Thank you! That statement makes my point about Wallace being a sociopath. Their greatest glory is to create a "willing victim." Sociopaths are so mentally ill that not only do they get "high" from inflicting pain, (Here the joy of inflicting financial and hence emotional anguish-) they also get "high" from having their desired "willing victim" to resist them and inflict pain on them. Yes, as a card carrying sociopath, Wallace gets high as a kite inflicting and RECEIVING pain (when he is defeated, but lies that it ain't so!).
Thank you very much for making my point!
Good job!
GOSY's tech CONTINUES to impress me.
Spencer's tenure as VP and president of the oldest personal robot club in the US, back in the '80's, so his breadth and depth of experience in personal robots goes back decades. That really shows up in their present CareBot config.
LOL!! Not this shareholder. And we have been hearing for over a year now (or longer?) about this sale of Mr. Spencer's shares. Why has that not been done? What is the holdup? I think everyone knows by now its not going to happen. JMO.