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03/07/13 9:24 AM

#2305 RE: work-n-hard #2304

That's a good question. I'm afraid I wont' be able to tell you exactly what happened. But I can give you possible scenarios, of which one might be correct...

1. similar to what you said, someone with prior knowledge bought $500k. This fits the bill better than other scenarios.

2. did Global Marketing Media buy $500k to then start a P&D and sell? It's possible but less likely. That $500k went through .015 - .02. But GMM paid $50k in commission to pump it and sold this very cheap even through .006s! Also GMM is not in the investment business, i.e. to buy low and sell high! Even if they were, I doubt they would buy high and then sell low!

3. was the company involved in P&D, and did they give shares to GMM?
And maybe it was the company that bought back shares?
Companies are required to file such activities. and in the last quarterly report they did not report of such activities. They share structures stayed the same for the whole last year. And even not, their OS is the same as it was exactly 1 year ago. So the company hasn't given shares to anybody!

Unrelated to the $500k purchase, but might explain the dump with GMM couple weeks ago:

There was a promo that was canceled back in November from several newsletters on SLIO (SLIO released PR saying they had nothing to do with it)! And I believe, while it was canceled, some of these newsletters wanted to take advantage of the momo that was created. So they BOUGHT shares themselves and wanted to dump in the momo. But they must have gotten in late and couldn't sell, so they had lot of shares left on their hand. So they've been sitting on the shares for several months waiting for the company to start a new promo, but that never came! So they decided to sell their position by starting a promo of their own.

Hope that helps.