I am inclined to hope the author is inept on some points. Only three bidders for Hollister is precariously low, but the author might be leaning on reports of three attempted stalking horse bids and be unaware that there are other interested parties. When the author mentions SA parties the list is unimpressive, it doesn't include Gold Fields or Anglo Ashanti, but the author seems to be just taking a list of interested parties from the Pamodzi Gold case and saying - hey, maybe they are interested. It's lazy. Goliath Gold is a subsidiary of Gold One which handles riskier projects than Gold One wants. That would seem to lead to a risk discount, so lets hope Gold One views Burnstone as a property for Gold One.
When our BRP handled the BR of the Blyvoor, he contacted chinese parties as well. The mine sold to Village Main Reef at USD cash consideration of about 28.9 mil (they gave R194 mil worth of stock for 74%, so convert to USD then divide by .74). This was regarded as a successful BR. I remember reading in a miningmx article that the acquisition raised the gold reserves of Village Main Reef by 5 million ounces.