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03/06/13 8:58 AM

#69 RE: norskgutt #68

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Re: Updates?

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Reed Petersen

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To Adam Wong
My fuction is to identify a company that whats to be public, and sell them my control position.

Therefore I cannot, and will not speak to the future. I am sure you understand.

I would not, and will not tell you, or any anyone else, anything more.

On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 3:28 PM, Adam Wong <> wrote:

Oh ok great. Do you have plans on possibly performing a reverse split or a change in the stock's share structure?


Sent from my iPhone

On 2013-02-26, at 2:11 PM, "Reed Petersen" <> wrote:

Next couple of weeks.
I not company in mind at all
Its taken me 10 months so far, so not in a rush.
I have no idea why anyone would trade in the stock now.
Just bored I guess.

On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 2:33 PM, Adam Wong <> wrote:

Is there a timeline for when you might get that audit completed? Do you have any companies in mind as of now?

Thanks for the quick response,


Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 14:05:06 -0700
Subject: Re: Updates

Yes, only when there is such a need.
I am currently getting a year end audit done, so it will be 100% up to date.
At such time, will start looking for a real company.
Reed Petersen

On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 1:07 PM, Adam Wong <> wrote:


I am currently a shareholder of your company and I noticed the many filings in the last few weeks. I was wondering if you will be updating investors with a press release or a material event in the near future?



Good luck holding your shares. I will be here to pick up 00s later.
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03/06/13 9:00 AM

#70 RE: norskgutt #68

He is in no rush to identify a merger candidate. There is no inside info there. I have had many CEOs tell me the same thing.