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03/04/13 6:38 AM

#1651 RE: mdavyinvests #1646

Great Post. I would like to commend your efforts to bring some sanity to the GNIN situation here on the BB.

I have been accused of being both a pumper and a basher here so I guess that proves I am in the middle. Heck, I can't even agree with some folks here. It's funny that after agreeing with a post made by someone their response is a promise (or a hope) to visit me in the poor house.

I agree with you. Basically to keep up a discussion about the fortunes of GNIN based on factual and verifiable information and let the best investors win.

I would like to comment on a couple of points that you made in your post.

Honesty in the business space: I read once that 75% of all start-ups are doomed to fail so I agree that perhaps Mr. Harmon's past failures are simply a matter of statistics. However, when an entrepreneur's motives from the outset are to deceive the investor community for their own personal gain then this needs to be noted, reported, and mentioned in future endeavors by this same entrepreneur. (Although I do find some questionable past behaviour on Mr. Harmon's part I am not referring to him here) In other words illegal activities can just as well be the cause of start-up failures. I don't recall Steve Jobs, Thomas Edison, or Bill Gates ever being accused of illegal actions for the purpose of defrauding investors.

The roll of the SEC: I stated in a post here that GNIN had filed SEC reports which I thought was a sign of legality on the company's behalf. My belief being that filing reports is better than lack of same. It was quickly pointed out to me here that Enron also filed SEC reports. It is hard to rebut that observation. The SEC in fact has a pitiful record of investigations and indictments for the highest profile cases (Enron & the 2008-09 Wall Street debacle) that to believe they would scrutinize every filing and investigate slight abnormalities could be misguided.

I wholly commend your vigilance of these SEC matters as they relate to GNIN but given the SEC's past performance and the current state of affairs in D.C. regarding spending cuts do you believe that someone reads your emails and says, "Let's investigate this." The point I am trying to make is that it would not be the first time someone made a fraudulent SEC filing.

I admit that this is my first foray into the OTC (penny stocks)world and it has been a very interesting experience. I took a little bit of a beating on the $3.35 >> $1.43 slide but have recovered nicely since then. (got back in at .64 & .69)

I again commend you for your post and your call for sanity and civility here although I am sure you are due to be slammed by the "usual suspects."


03/04/13 7:43 PM

#1716 RE: mdavyinvests #1646

mdacyinvests, thank you for taking the time to write this well reasoned counterpoint to those who seem determined to see GNIN fail.


03/04/13 8:56 PM

#1718 RE: mdavyinvests #1646

do you work with brighton?? no ofense just asking you cant trust any one around here

Full Contact Yoga

03/04/13 9:18 PM

#1719 RE: mdavyinvests #1646

Say hi to Harmon in the lunch room.


03/05/13 6:31 AM

#1721 RE: mdavyinvests #1646

Best post I've read in a long while. Stick around mdavvyinvests we need more people like you.

I may start to post more this board has really come a long way.

Been averaging down myself now in at a comfortable price.


03/12/13 5:53 PM

#2203 RE: mdavyinvests #1646

I cannot short this stock through Ameritrade. Any suggestions? TIA...


03/19/13 10:17 PM

#2607 RE: mdavyinvests #1646

A Real Investor's Viewpoint on Everything "GNIN

mdavyinvests, excellent feedback and perspective...thanks for sharing. I, too, see some potential for GNIN to run and look forward to my initial product test.


06/05/13 12:44 PM

#3591 RE: mdavyinvests #1646

Great points! I bought at over $2.40 and have continued to buy, lowering my average to just over $1.00 per share. This has some big potential in my opinion.