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03/02/13 6:35 PM

#6930 RE: roguedolphin #6926

Inflation has been happening since I was born in 1950, so does this mean that the last 62 years there have been no growth.

As for your friend, his business survvived for 22 years, he has a nice long run, but you did not mention all of the other variables that could of caused his demise' Maybe his location wasn't desireable, maybe people decided to eat someplace else, you didn't say about his real estate, did he own the property.

Many businesses come and go all of the time, his stayed around for over two decades, he must of made alot of money over those decades.

Why is today different than any other decade in American History. This country has seen many ups and downs in the economy, but now you call all of it into question.

What I truly find amazing, is that America is still here, and our standard of living is one of the best in the world. You look around and see nothing, and thats your choice, I look around and see only opportunities. But maybe thats the difference between you and me.

I wake up each day and see what else I can do to make my life and the lives around me better, and you wake up and see what ever you see.

But thats what you choose, this is America, there are no guarantees, but you keep demanding them.