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02/28/13 11:17 PM

#31481 RE: prokopton #31478

"Unchecked optimism has been an expensive lesson for me"

Sorry took me a while to read all posts tonight been unavailible for SIAF this eve :-), As you say i did aswell take that expensive course quite some times over the "investments career" somehow you tend to forget to be critical enugh after a few lucky strikes again oddly enough :-), so i gotta confess being stupid repeatedly last 2 decades lol. I guess some caveats you have no defense against really, overvaluation are easy enough to avoid but sheer cooking or strayreporting or a ceo with his head in the clouds and thoose pink fluffy glasses on sometimes deceives even the most paranoic of us yet again :-), best say out loud i don´t imply that for SIAF to avoid confusion.
That said you are probably spot on , people being overexposed tend to take anything said at a very personal level it seems, perhaps writing it out makes them relize that others do infact interpret such behaviour that way so they bring it down a notch or two .-)Regards.
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03/01/13 12:24 AM

#31483 RE: prokopton #31478

"From my experience, often the result of being overextended and too heavily invested in a single company. It goes back to the proverbial "head in the sand" or looking at things through rose-coloured glasses adage."

Yet you are "all in" and I am not so I suggest you re-think that one. Maybe you could approach it from the standpoint that there is such a thing as respect for excellence, and that's what I see in this company.